Friday, December 1, 2017
- Received Date
- 2017-12-01
- Edit Search
39 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2015121080 | EIR | Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) | 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustianable Communities Strategy and Regional Transportation Plans for Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties | |
2017128005 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | 1H320-Install and Upgrade emergency Passageway | |
2017128003 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | 1H390- Alignment Sign and Delineator Installation | |
2017128006 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | 1G850-Oakdale Pedestrian Beacon Installation | |
2017128004 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | 1G950-Railroad Preemption Installation | |
2017128033 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | El Dorado Tree Removal (EA: 03-2H680) | |
2017128032 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Sierra Tree Removal (EA: 03-2H670) | |
2017128031 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Placer/Nevada/Yuba Tree Removal (EA: 03-2H660) | |
2017128030 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Nevada/Placer/El Dorado Tree Removal (EA: 03-2H650) | |
2017128001 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | SR-150 Slurry Seal Project | |
2017121003 | NOP | City of Clovis | Proposed Updates to the City of Clovis Water, Wastewater, and Recycled Water Master Plans | |
2016111044 | FIN | City of Culver City | The Culver Studios Innovation Plan, Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. 7 | |
2017128002 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | Glenwood (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0310-R3) | |
2017122001 | MND | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvements Project | |
2015071023 | NOD | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) | Elkhorn SLough Tidal Marsh Restoration, Agumentation | |
2017128018 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Wheeler Ridge, Expansion 6 | |
2017128019 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Lima Conservation Easement (County of Humboldt) | |
2017128015 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, Expansion 4 | |
2017128016 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, Expansion 3 | |
2017128013 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Trabuco Creek Fish Passage Design | |
2017128014 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Snowcreek VIII Mitigation | |
2017128017 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | San Joaquin River Parkway (County of Madera) | |
2017128008 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Pintail Ranch | |
2015098080 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | San Joaquin River Parkway, Spano River Ranch Habitat Enhancement | |
2017128020 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | County of San Diego Multiple Species Conservation PLan 2015 (Brown) | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | Chevron 432-0001 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | Aera-050-0001 | |
2017121001 | MND | City of La Habra | La Habra Union Pacific Rail Line Bikeway Project | |
2009031083 | FIN | Los Angeles County | Westside Subway Extension Project | |
2017121002 | NEG | Los Angeles County Sanitation District | Storm Water Capture Project at the Puente Hills Materials Recovery Facility | |
2016091071 | NOD | Monterey Peninsula Water Management District | Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Raw Water Intake and Water Supply System Upgrade | |
2017122002 | MND | City of Napa | Trower Avenue Roadway Widening Project | |
2017128009 | NOE | Rancho Santiago Community College District | Johnson Student Center | |
2017128029 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9 | La Playa Yacht Club Pile and Dock Replacement Project | |
2017102034 | NOD | San Joaquin County | PA-1700199 (MS) | |
2017081023 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Salinas Avenue Culvert Replacement Project | |
2010051060 | NOD | City of Santa Ana | OC Streetcar | |
2017128010 | NOE | Secretary of State | Access Barrier Removal in Restrooms and Drinking Fountains throughout Building | |
2017018211 | NOE | South Tahoe Public Utility District | Waterline Replacement Program |