Monday, July 24, 2017
- Received Date
- 2017-07-24
- Edit Search
44 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2017078391 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Replace Pavement Markers | |
2017078395 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Trinity 299 Slip Out | |
2017078393 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Worley Ranch Curve Improvement | |
2017078388 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Emergency AC Digout and Resurfacing | |
2017078389 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Emergency Embankment Repair | |
2017078401 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 5 | Hwy 166 Preventative Maintenance (05-1J250) | |
2017078396 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | Drainage Improvements | |
2017072054 | MND | City of Chico | Humboldt Skate Park Expansion (UP 17-08) | |
2012122038 | NOD | California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) | Level II Correctional Facilities Project, Mule Creek State Prison Infill Site - July 2017 Addendum to the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report | |
2017078390 | NOE | Crestline Sanitation District | Cleghorn Force Main Replacement Project | |
2017078397 | NOE | City of El Cajon | Minor Use Permit No. 4 - Babylon Palace Adult Day Care | |
2017078399 | NOE | City of El Cajon | Site Development Plan (SDP) No. 1506 - Starbucks with Drive Through Facility | |
2017078394 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | PG&E Exposted Gas Pipeline Project Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0017-R1 | |
2017078447 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1E (CDFW) | Walker 1600 Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0115-R1) | |
2011081073 | NOD | City of Fresno | City of Fresno Raw Water Pipeline Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2014-056-04 (ITP) Minor Amendment No. 4) | |
2012092037 | NOD | Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District | Sausalito Ferry Terminal Vessel Boarding Rehabilitation Project | |
2017078402 | NOE | California High Speed Rail Authority | Phase 2 Geotechnical Investigation - CA High Speed Rail Project San Jose to Merced | |
2017071049 | NEG | Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District | Hannah Ranch Flood Control & Habitat Conservation Project | |
2017051050 | ADM | Kern County | Conditional Use Permit No. 2, Map No. 76; Conditional Use Permit No. 3, Map No. 77 | |
2017078392 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01105 | |
2017078400 | NOE | Lake County | Donner Lakebed Encroachment Permit; CE 17-27 | |
2017011072 | OTH | City of Long Beach | Alamitos Avenue "Complete Streets" Improvements Project | |
2016041083 | EIR | City of Long Beach | Los Cerritos Wetlands Oil Consolidation and Restoration Project | |
2016101061 | EIR | Port of Long Beach | Southern California Edison Transmission Tower Replacement Project | |
2017078398 | NOE | City of Mammoth Lakes | Grocery Outlet (Major Design Review 16-012 and Lot Line Adjustment 16-002) | |
2017051032 | FIN | Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD) | ETM Pipeline Removal in San Juan Creek Project, MNWD Project 2016.001 | |
2017051032 | NOD | Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD) | ETM Pipeline Removal in San Juan Creek Project | |
2017071050 | MND | City of Murrieta | Muhlhauser Steel Project | |
2017078386 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Peaks Interpretive Panel Installation | |
2017078387 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Otter Crossing Speed Hump Installation | |
2017071052 | MND | City of Paso Robles | Tidwell Contractor Storage Yard | |
2017071048 | MND | City of Redlands | Conditional Use Permit No. 1065 and Lot Line Adjustment No. 607 | |
2017071047 | MND | City of Redlands | Parkford Project - CUP 1061, CRA 890, Sign CUP 20 and Sign CUP 21 | |
2017071046 | MND | City of San Jacinto | Site Plan & Design Review Case - SPDR-16-06 -- So Cal Propane | |
2014012004 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-1300218 (TE, UP) One-year Time Extension for nut processing facility expansion | |
2017072055 | CON | Stanislaus County | Rezone Application No. PLN2017-0062 - Masellis Enterprises, LLC | |
2008091066 | ADM | State Water Resources Control Board | Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Bass Lake Water Company Willow Creek Water | |
2017042028 | NOD | Tuolumne County | Pluim Zone Changes RZ16-002 & Tentative Parcel Map T16-009(1) | |
2017071051 | MND | University of California, Irvine | Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building | |
2017062027 | NOD | Town of Woodside | 325 Kings Mountain Road - Creek Bank Stabilization Project | |
2017062004 | NOD | Town of Woodside | 201 Mountain Wood Lane - Land Division | |
2017072057 | MND | Yuba City | Regency View | |
2017042013 | NOD | Yuba City | Yuba Crossing Mix- Use Development | |
2017072056 | MND | Yuba City | Mike Singh |