SCH Number 2012092037

Project Info

Sausalito Ferry Terminal Vessel Boarding Rehabilitation Project
The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District proposes to replace the existing passenger boarding system with a new boarding system. The replacement passenger boarding system will be located in approx. the same location as the existing and will include a new 145.5 feet long x 53 feet wide concrete float, a new 90 feet long x 16 feet wide steel gangway and a new 21 feet wide pile-supported concrete pier with 5 feet wide x 36 feet long bump-outs. The Modified Project also includes the construction of temporary facilities to maintain current ferry service during the demolition of the existing boarding system and the construction of the new boarding system. The temporary facilities will be located immediately adjacent to and south of the existing boarding system. The gangway and float of the existing boarding system will be used for the temporary facilities, with access provided by a temporary 8 feet wide access pier.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District Sausalito Ferry Terminal Vessel Boarding Rehabilitation Project
Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District Sausalito Ferry Terminal Vessel Boarding Rehabilitation Project
Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District Sausalito Ferry Terminal Vessel Boarding Rehabilitation Project