Thursday, May 22, 2014

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40 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013022061 Napa County Wastewater Storage and Disposal Expansion Project (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-7869-110
2014058280 California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB) Red Bluff Hearing Facility
2012071080 California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM) Field House Expansion, Schematic Plan Approval
2014031041 City of Los Angeles Old Fire Station 84 Pocket Park Project
2014051078 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Remedial Action Plan for Operable Unit 7, Former Whittaker-Bermite Facility
2014058274 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lower Skyway Fuels Reduction (SRA)
2014052071 City of Lincoln Village 5 & Special Use District B (SUD-B) Specific Plan EIR
2014032011 Rancho Murieta Community Services District Groundwater Augmentation Well IS-MND
2014058277 San Diego Unified Port District T-Mobile Wireless Telecommunications Facility Modifications at Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina
1995073068 Sonoma County Material Recovery Facility at County Landfill Inside Existing Public Tipping Building (UPE13-0065)
2014051076 City of Monterey IR Zoning Amendment to Allow Animal Sales and Services Uses
2014058281 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Bus Stop and Trail Upgrade at Muir Beach Project
2014058275 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Shingletown-Woodridge Lake Fuelbreak
2014058278 City and County of San Francisco Noe Valley Town Square Park
2014051067 Imperial County MFT Holdings, LLC - Conditional Use Permit #13-0065
2014058272 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Lawndale Road Culvert Replacement
2014051070 City of Los Angeles Coastal Transp Corridor Specific Plan/W. LA Transp Improvement and Mitigation Specific Plan Amend Project
2012041013 Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Moreno Master Drainage Plan Revision
2014052072 San Joaquin County PA-1300220 (SA)
2014058269 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Boat Ramp Removal and Marine Rail INstallation; Notification No. 1600-2013-024-R2
2013128018 Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District Common Landowner Transfer of up to 10,000 AF of TLBWSD 2014 State Water Project Water to Kern County Water Agency
2014058273 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Ponderosa Way Fuelbreak
2014052070 City of Turlock Verizon Wireless - Conditional Use Permit 2014-02
2014051071 Encina Wastewater Authority Pyrolysis Demonstration Project
2014058276 San Diego Unified Port District San Diego International Boat Show
2014058270 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Smith Tract Levee Maintenance Project - Levee Slope Repairs
2013091062 Kern County RGF 5-13; Alon Backersfield Refinery Crude Flexibility Project by Paramount Petroleum Corporation
2014051068 Imperial County MFT Holdings, LLC - Conditional Use Permit #14-0003
2011071049 Kern County (a) General Plan Amendment Case No. 4, Map No. 168; GPA Case No. 2, Map No. 180; GPA Case No. 8, Map No. 197; Specific Plan Amendment Case No. 1, Map No. 180; S
2014058271 Latrobe School District Miller's Hill Pipeline Replacement Project
2012102005 University of California, San Francisco Recreation Wellness Center Project
2014051069 City of San Diego The Reserve
2014058268 California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) San Fernando Valley Spineflower Genetics Study (Project)
2014051066 Kern County Midway Road Shoulder Construction Project
2009011040 California State University Board of Trustees Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report
2013091085 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Approve the Campus Master Plan Revision for the Student Housing South Project
2014058279 City of Fontana Adopt a Resoluction of the Oversight Board of the Fontana Successor Agency to the Fontana Redevelopment Agency
2013091022 Kern County Addison Energy Wind Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit (ITP) No. 2081-2014-042-04, Minor Amendment No. 1
2014022006 City of Truckee Tahoe Donner Association Nordic Ski Center
2014032062 West Valley-Mission Community College District West Valley College - Vasona Creek Enhancement Project