SCH Number 2014032011
Project Info
- Title
- Groundwater Augmentation Well IS-MND
- Description
- As part of the Regional Water Authority's IRWMP funding for project implementation, RMCSD received grant funding to explore and construct three new 300 feet deep groundwater wells to extract 600 AFY to augment surface water supplies in drought years. The groundwater supplied by the new wells would be directly supplied into RMCSD's distribution system and to storage in times of low demand. The proposed project consists of two potential well areas (PW-A and PW-B) for three wells, located north and west of the Rancho Murieta Airport. There will be water treatment and disinfection facilities at PW-A. The proposed project consists of a combination of both above and below ground 8-inch piping to connect the well sites and to connect to the existing water distribution system.
2 documents in project