Monday, June 13, 2011

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36 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011061032 City of Thousand Oaks Miller Ranch - K&S Homes
2011061035 Monterey County Keech
2011062037 City of Palo Alto Recycled Water Project
2011068091 City of Truckee Gateway Pedestrian Connection Project
2006101132 City of Ontario Addendum to the Certified Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the Ontario Walmart/PDEV04-047
2011061033 City of Moreno Valley March Business Center: PA11-0001 (GPA), PA11-0002 through PA11-0006 (Plot Plans), PA11-0007 (TPM), P11-004 and P11-005 (EIR)
2011068109 San Diego Unified Port District Shelter Island Yacht Basin Copper Hull Paint Conversion Project
2011052019 City of Davis City of Davis Depot/Olive Drive and L Street At-Grade Railroad Crossings
2010081015 City of Carlsbad Prop D - Cannon Road Agricultural and Open Space Lands
2008071107 City of Big Bear Lake Tentative Tract Map Application 2005-240 (Tentative Tract Map No. 18580)
2011041047 San Diego County Sajady Minor Subdivision; 3200 21069 (TPM); Log No. 07-19-005
2011068094 Fish & Game #3 Sacramento Marina and Miller Park Boat Ramp Annual Maintenance Dredging
2011068097 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Relinquishment No.86086
2011042066 Napa County Miller Vineyard Conversion
1999062020 Placer County Placer Vineyards Specific Plan Property #3
2011062041 State Water Resources Control Board Statewide Waiver for Nonpoint Source Discharges from Certain Activities on National Forest System (NFS) Land
2011032037 Napa County Lamb Family Vineyards LLC Vineyard Conversion
2007089049 City of Visalia Stream Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0024-R4 for the Preston Street Crossing of Mill Creek Project
2011032017 City of Tiburon Lyford Drive Multi-Modal Parking Lot Project
2007082130 City of Palo Alto Stanford University Medical Center Facilities Renewal and Rreplacement Project
2011068095 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley) Rancheria Campground Culvert Replacement Project
2006011029 City of Perris Harvest Landing Specific Plan EIR
2010101024 City of Big Bear Lake Tentative Tract Map Application 2005-240 (Tentative Tract Map No. 18580)
2011062038 Yolo County Zone File #2011-002 Putah Creek Solar Farms Project
2011068092 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Kinori Property - Floating Dock for Single Family Residence
2011068093 Fish & Game #2 Feather River Afterbay Outlet Boat Ramp Maintenance
2011068096 California Tahoe Conservancy Hazard Tree Removal
2011041083 City of Menifee Planning Case No. 2010-202 (Plot Plan) and Planning Case No. 2010-201 (Specific Plan Amendment)
2011062042 City of Richmond v
2008102060 California Air Resources Board (ARB) AB 32 Scoping Plan Functional Equivalent Document
2005072117 City of Richmond Chevron Revised Energy and Hydrogen Renewal Project
2011062039 Solano County Venoco's Hunter's Point Natural Gas Exploration
2011068087 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Multi-Year Same Landowner Transfers from Dudley Ridge Water District to Kern County Water Agency (SWPAO #10030)
2011061034 Santa Rita Union School District Elementary School #5/Harrod K-8 Site Acquisition
2011068090 Fish & Game #6 State Route 62 Culvert Replacement Project
2010051009 National City Comprehensive Land Use Update