SCH Number 2011052019

Project Info

Davis Depot/Olive Drive and L Street At-Grade Railroad Crossing
The City of Davis proposes construction of a pedestrian/bike at-grade crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks in the vicinity of the Southern Pacific Depot located at 840 Second Street and an emergency vehicle only at-grade crossing connecting L Street to olive Drive. The pedestrian/bike at-grade crossing would provide access for pedestrians and bicyclists across the main line (east-west) from the Olive Drive neighborhood to the Depot and downtown Davis. Currently the only access for bicyclists and pedestrians from Olive Drive to the depot and downtown is to cross at various unmarked, non-signalized portions of the train tracks or the Richards Boulevard undercrossing. The project components would include a pedestrian/bike at-grade crossing located at the main access point to the depot. The crossing would include paced ADA complaint paths extending from the Hickory Lane right-of-way to the city property approximately 400 feet west of the crossing. The path would be wholly located on the south side of the tracks a minimum of 15 feet from the most southerly track. The crossing would consist of warning lights, bells and appropriate gates/crossing arms to keep pedestrians off the tracks when trains are traveling thought downtown David. The project would include a 7 feet high fence extending from the Richards Boulevard Undercrossing on the west to a point east of the Olive Drive off-ramp from Interstate 80.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Davis City of Davis Depot/Olive Drive and L Street At-Grade Railroad Crossings
City of Davis Davis Depot/Olive Drive and L Street At-Grade Railroad Crossing