SCH Number 2011062037

Project Info

Recycled Water Project
The City of Palo Alto proposes the expansion of the regional recycled water system to deliver recycled water produced by the City's Regional Water Quality Control Plant (RWQCP) to customers in the City, potentially including Alta Mesa Memorial Park, Stanford Research Park, and others. The proposed project includes about 10 miles of pipeline (backbone, lateral, and connecting pipelines) and two pump stations (one at the RWQCP and another at Mayfield Soccer Fields, along the pipeline alignment). The project would initially provide approximately 900 acre feet per year of recycled water for irrigation.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Palo Alto Advanced Water Purification System (AWPS) 1 MGD Project
City of Palo Alto City of Palo Alto Recycled Water Project
City of Palo Alto City of Palo Alto Recycled Water Project
City of Palo Alto City of Palo Alto Recycled Water Project
City of Palo Alto Recycled Water Project
City of Palo Alto Recycled Water Project