Monday, March 21, 2011

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60 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011038236 City of Adelanto Adelanto WastewaterTreatment Plant Emergency Improvements
2011038231 Allan Hancock Joint Community College District (AHC) Fine Arts Complex
2011038232 Allan Hancock Joint Community College District (AHC) Theater Arts Complex
2011031070 City of Arroyo Grande Tentative Tract Map 11-001 and Conditional Use Permit 11-001
2009121065 City of Arvin Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project
2011012031 Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Proposed Regulation 11, Rule 17: Low Use Compression Ignition (Diesel) Engines in Agricultural Use
2004052074 Bolinas Community Public Utility District (BCPUD) Mesa Park Ballfield Irrigation and Public Restroom Project
2010081076 Buena Vista Water Storage District Stream Alteration Agreement No. 2010-0175-R4 for the Buena Vista 8 Water Project Turnout
2011012033 Calaveras County Tentative Parcel Map 2007-010 for Charles & Kim Ranzany
2011038242 California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) Fuel Cell Installation Project
2011038235 California Department of Transportation, District 2 State Route 299 Damaged Pavement Repair
2011032043 City of Colusa Colusa Pump Station Upsize, Rehabilitation & Reliability Project
2011031066 City of Compton Compton 2030 General Plan Update
2011038209 Cotati Community Redevelopment Agency City/Agency Development and Disposition Agreement
2011038237 City of Cotati City/Agency Development and Disposition Agreement
2011038211 Crescent City Harbor District Tsunami Response of Crescent City Harbor District
2011032047 City of Eureka Humboldt Bay Rowing Association Non-Seasonal Floating Dock and Gangway Coastal Development Permit
2011032048 Lassen County Use Permit, Initial Study #2010-077 Sierra Pacific Industries
2004091123 Los Angeles County Sanitation District Waste Discharge Requirements and Water Recycling Requirements for County Sanitation District No. 20 of Los Angeles County, Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant
2011038234 City of Los Banos Runway, Exits and Apron Rehabilitation - Los Banos Airport
2011034005 National Park Service Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Extension of F-Line Streetcar Service to Fort Mason Center
2011032045 City of Palo Alto HP Annex (Addition to Hewlett Packard headquarters)
2006072012 California Department of Parks and Recreation Big River Watershed Restoration - Proposition 40 River Parkways Grant Project
2011038205 The Resources Agency Big River Main Haul Road Phase II
2011038207 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery A New Full Solid Waste Facilities Permit No. 19-AA-0855 for Griffith Park Composting Facility
2011031068 San Luis Obispo County King Heritage Ranch General Plan Amendment, G030010M ED03-562
2008091026 San Luis Obispo County Topaz Solar Farm (Optisolar) Conditional Use Permit (DRC2008-00009)
2011031067 San Luis Obispo County Brohaugh Minor Use Permit/DRC2009-00109
2011011044 San Luis Obispo County Union Oil Minor Use Permit/Coastal Development Permit DRC2009-00052
2011031065 San Marcos Unified School District San Marcos High School Reconstruction & Expansion
2010071062 City of Seaside In-N-Out Burger Drive-Through Restaurant
2003122072 Shasta County ED 10-08 for Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM) 10-02; (Previously ED 06-19 for TSM 06-03)
2008081024 South Coast Water District Aliso Creek Runoff Recovery, Reuse, and Conservation Project
2011038206 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Tower Court Property
2011038228 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Downtown Streetscape Loan Program
2011038226 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the West River Street Redevelopment Project Public/Private Partnership
2011038229 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Small Business Loan Program
2011038223 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Frishman Hollow Workforce Housing Off-Site Infrastructure
2011038217 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Bridge Street/West River Street Streetscape Improvement Project
2011038216 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Church Street/Donner Pass Road/Bridge Street Streetscape Improvement Project
2011038220 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Trout Creek Pocket Park
2011038214 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Brickelltown Streetscape Improvement Project
2011038230 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Senior Housing Rehabilitation Program
2011038224 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Trout Creek Restoration Project
2011038227 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Economic Development Program
2011038215 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Donner Pass Road Access Consolidation/Streetscape Improvement Project
2011038225 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the West River Street Streetscape Improvement Project
2011038219 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Truckee Depot Streetscape Improvement Project
2011038222 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Brickelltown to Gateway Pedestrian Connection
2011038218 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Donner Pass Road/Bridge Street Streetscape Improvement Project
2011038221 City of Truckee Cooperation and Funding Agreement for the Spring Street/Jibboom Street/Bridge Street Streetscape Improvement Project
2011032049 Tuolumne County SDS Ventures (Red Tail Ridge) Zone Change RZ06-030, & Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map T06-062
2011038203 University of California Santa Cruz Campus Bike Locker Project
2011038210 University of California Santa Cruz UCSC Silicon Valley Graduate Center Lease
2011038196 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Ecosystem Restoration and Floodwater Attenuation on the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge
2011038208 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Hillside Dam, No. 104-30
2011038204 Fish & Game #3 Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve Fire Prevention and Trail Maintenance Project
2011038213 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2011-0034-R4 - Riverbank Restoration and Culvert Installation
2011038212 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2010-0188-R4 - Turlock Lake State Recreation Area - Tuolumne River Access Improvements
2011038233 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Desert Tortoise-Western Fox Field Project