Wednesday, July 18, 2001

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63 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2001078371 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Culvert Rehabilitation Project
2000122070 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Highway 32 Bridge Replacement at Stony Creek
2001078398 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Big River Acquisition
2001061100 Community Charter Middle School Community Charter Middle School
2001052115 Del Norte County Dennis Hintz - Minor Subdivision MS 0118
2001052116 Del Norte County Michael and Dennis Sullivan - Minor Subdivision MS0116C
2001072075 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Costello Ranch, South Fork Cottonwood Creek Instream Gravel Mining Operation
2001078369 Hueneme School District Stone Bridge Cellar's, Inc. Revegetation
2001079041 Hueneme School District Streambed Alteration Agreement R3-2001-0386
2001078368 Hueneme School District Bank Stabilization Along Redwood Creek
1996042044 Kings County Pine Flat Dam Fish and Wildlife Habitat Restoration Investigation, California
2000029022 Lake County Sutter Lakeside Hospital Use Permit; IS 99-52, UP 99-10
1996105120 Lake County Bar X Ranch Reservoir #2 Dam
2001078364 City of Los Angeles Southern Spillgate Structure - Los Angeles Aqueduct, Southern Inyo County, California
1993042004 City of Modesto Vesting Tentative Parcel Map for T.R.S. Enterprises
2001072076 City of Modesto Direct Sale to End Users of Bulk Co-Compost Containing Class A Exceptional Quality Biosolids
2001078372 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority South Pasadena Open Space Park
2000091063 Olivenhain Municipal Water District Gano Reservoir and Unit X Pipelines Project
2000021074 Orange County Rancho Potrero Leadership Academy
2001071092 City of Palmdale Palmdale Recreation Facilities Project
2001071095 Panama-Buena Vista Union School District Junior High School - Hosking Avenue
2001071094 Panama-Buena Vista Union School District Berkshire Elementary School
2001078391 California Department of Parks and Recreation ADA DVD
2001078379 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Sewer Line - North Garrison
2001078382 California Department of Parks and Recreation Yellow Starthistle Control - San Luis Creek and Medeiros
2001078376 California Department of Parks and Recreation Develop Digital Base Map
2001078390 California Department of Parks and Recreation Jack London State Historic Park
2001078387 California Department of Parks and Recreation Develop Natural Resource Inventory and Monitoring Plan
2001078381 California Department of Parks and Recreation Percolation Testing - Leach Field
2001078384 California Department of Parks and Recreation Conduct Prehistoric Archaeological Site Assessment
2001078385 California Department of Parks and Recreation Feral Pig Management Study
2001078388 California Department of Parks and Recreation Develop Fire Management Plan
2001078383 California Department of Parks and Recreation Input Collection Descriptions
2001078386 California Department of Parks and Recreation Develop Digital Base Map
2001078380 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Sewer Lines - West Garrison
2001078343 California Department of Parks and Recreation Riparian Plant Community Maintenance - San Simeon Creek
2001078375 California Department of Parks and Recreation Recoat Clarifiers
2001078389 California Department of Parks and Recreation ADA Video-Benicia State Capitol
2001078374 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Sand Filter-San Luis Creek Water Treatment Plant
2001078377 California Department of Parks and Recreation Update Reservoir Management Plan
2001078392 California Department of Parks and Recreation Entrance Road Repair-Phase I (Geotech Evaluation)
2000012001 Placer County Orchard Creek Office and Plant Nursery (EIAQ-3455/MUP-2498)
2001061040 Rancho California Water District Santa Margarita River Outfall Project
2000121095 City of Rolling Hills City of Rolling Hills - 2000 Housing Element Update
2001072077 Sacramento County Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Biosolids Management System Project
2001079035 San Bernardino County Dalton Trucking, Inc.
2000081037 City of San Diego NTC Precise Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment
2001062083 San Joaquin Delta Community College District Resolution of Necessity to Aquire by Eminent Domain Property for the Delta Center at Mountain House for Mission College Negative Declaration
2001078366 San Juan Unified School District Addition of Baseball Scoreboard
2000121012 San Luis Obispo County Oceano Specific Plan
2000082049 San Mateo County San Pedro Creek Fish Barrier Removal
2001079064 Santa Barbara County Santa Ynez Valley YMCA
1993043015 Sonoma County Kenwood Inn
2001078370 Sonoma County Mountain Cemetery Expansion
2001072078 City of Ukiah Hull/Piffero Subdivision and Use Permit
2001078373 University of California, Berkeley 2001 Claremont Canyon Headslope Fire Fuel Mitigation
2001042060 City of Vallejo Fleming Hill Water Treatment Plant Sludge Dewatering Facility Project
2001032129 Washington Unified School District New Elementary School at Bridgeway Island
2001041111 City of Yucaipa 8th Street Sidewalk/Channel at Chicken Springs Wash
2001079040 Fish & Game #2 Bridge Construction as Part of Timber Harvesting Activity
2001078367 Fish & Game #2 Little Butte Creek and Honey Run Creek Blackberry Control
2001078365 Fish & Game #4 Agreement R4-2001-0032; Maintenance of Hetch Hetchy Trash Racks
2001078239 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Peninsular Ranges Ecological Reserve