Monday, December 19, 2022

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99 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2022120491 City of San Diego Cass Street Vacation
2022120490 Mendocino County NOE San Hedrin and Sanel Site Hardening Project
2005072046 Central Valley Flood Protection Board ARCF 2016 Project, Sacramento River Erosion Contract 2 Project
2005072046 Central Valley Flood Protection Board ARCF 2016 Project, Sacramento River East Levee Contract 4 Project
2015121052 City of Westminster 2021-2029 Housing Element Update
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00842
2015121052 City of Westminster Zoning Text and Zoning Map Amendment (Case 2022-0430)
2022120489 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Permit No. 19690 Milepost 310.35 Bridge Replacement Project, Fresno Subdivision
2022120488 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Enforcement Case No. 2022-1055: Affirm Cease and Desist Order
2022120487 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Permit No. 19589: Valley Subdivision Mile Post 129.52 Bridge Replacement Project
2021030649 Fresno County Permit No. 19703 – Burrough Valley Road Bridge Replacement and Tollhouse Road Box Culvert Replacement on Dry Creek
2005072046 Central Valley Flood Protection Board ARCF 2016 Project, Lower American River Erosion Contract 3A, Site 1-1 Project
2022100107 City of Menifee Quail Hills
2002071089 March Joint Powers Authority Conditional Use Permit 22-02 (CUP 22-02) – Allow the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Site Consumption of Beer and Wine
2022050480 Site Project Authority (SPA) Sites Reservoir 2022-2024 Geotechnical Investigations Project
2021100027 City of Menifee Boulders Mixed Use Project - Plot Plan Major Modifications No. PLN 22-0120 and Conditional Use Permit No. PLN22-0119
2021070362 Placer County Creekview Ranch Subdivision (PLN21-00130)
2013112042 City of Roseville City of Roseville Dry Creek Greenway East Trail Project
1993121073 City of San Diego Pueblo Watershed Wildfire Resilience
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00838
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00839
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00841
2022120486 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2021-0122-R1_SIS for Foghorn Cleghorn THP 2-21-00182-SIS
2022120485 City of Elk Grove Sage Glen Map (PLNG22-030)
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00640
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00639
2003042127 City of San Jose Fountain Alley Mixed Use Project
2022120484 California Department of Transportation, District 1 (DOT) Walker Fire
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00476
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00474
2022120483 City of Clovis Tract Map 6343
2022120482 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) Stucki Driveway Bridge Replacement Project
2022120481 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) Tiger Creek Regulator Dam Spillway Replacement Project
2022120480 South Bayside Waste Management Authority Approval of a Successor Agreement for the Operation of the Shoreway Environmental Center
2022120479 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW) Upper Sonoma Creek Restoration Demonstration Project
2022120478 Sacramento County 5644 Gibbons Tentative Parcel Map
2022020222 Sonoma County Sonoma Developmental Center Specific Plan
2022070405 Sonoma County Notice of Determination PLP21-0014 Glen Ellen Inn Modification
2022120477 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) EPIMS-SHA-35270
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00837
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00836
2022120476 City of Adelanto TTM 20486 - NEC of Aster Road and Cactus Road
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00835
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00834
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00833
2022120475 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Emergency Permit for Treatment of Hazardous Waste, Janssen Research and Development, San Diego, California
2022120474 City of Adelanto TTM 20485 - NEC of Auburn Avenue & Verbena Road
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00611
2022070481 Contra Costa County Contra Costa County Housing Element Update
2022120473 City of Beaumont Pennsylvania Street Commercial Project
2022120472 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Castella Sandhouse
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00608
2022120471 Yolo County Singh Travel Center Nitrate Treatment System
2022120470 Tuolumne County Conditional Use Permit CUP22-003 and Williamson Act Contract WA22-001- Tuolumne Biomass LLC Biomas Utilization Project
2022120469 City of Redwood City 2020-2021 Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00605
2022090411 City of Bradbury Bradbury Road Widening Project
2022120468 City of Adelanto TTM 20514 - NEC of Holly Road and Jonathan Street
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-01937
2022120467 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) Cal Water Oro Gold Run Creek Diversion Maintenance (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. BUT-21901-R2)
2022120466 California Department of Parks and Recreation Issue ROE to PG&E for Mount Diablo State Park Conduit Repair and Retaining Wall
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-02158
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00831
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00832
2022120465 City of Adelanto TTM 20549 - Aster Road and Villa Street
2022010017 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Digital 299 Broadband Project
2022120464 City of Adelanto TTM 20489 - NEC of Verbena Road and Wakefield Street
2022120463 City of San Diego Verizon 101 Carmel
2022120462 Orange County Transportation Authority Countywide Signal Synchronization Baseline
2022120461 City of San Diego AT&T Carmel Mountain Country Club
2022120460 Lake County JACK MCDOWELL CE 22-78; ZC 22-366
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00456
2022080289 Yorba Linda Water District BNSF Waterline Crossing at Veterans Village and Highland Avenue
2022110074 Nevada County Euer Valley Restoration Project - PLN22-0074; MGT22-0012; CUP22-0004; EIS22-0011
2022120459 Lake County Frank Flores Categorical Exemption (CE 22-59); Zoning Clearance (ZC 22-227)
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00455
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00441
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00440
2022120458 City of San Diego Gravilla Street Residence
2022120457 Lake County Martinez
2022120456 Turlock Irrigation District TID Hughson Electric Vehicle Charging Station
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00439
2022120455 Turlock Irrigation District TID Ceres Electric Vehicle Charging Station
2022120454 San Joaquin County PA-2200087, 88 - Zone Reclassification and Site Approval for truck parking
2021080338 City of Sunnyvale Moffett Park Specific Plan
2022120453 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) Deer Creek Streambank Repair (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. ELD-30352-R2)
2022120452 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) Sande Pier Rebuild (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No.NEV-27670-R2)
2022120451 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) Pier Extension and Boulder Relocation (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. PLA-28394-R2)
2021110150 San Bernardino County Kas Koob Multifamily Development
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00438
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-01063
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00830
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00829
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00828
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00572
2013081079 Kern County PLN22-00373
2022120450 City of Aliso Viejo Adoption of Ordinances for a Specific Plan Amendment and a Development Agreement
2022120449 California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) PG&E Electrical Conduit Improvement Project
2022120448 California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT) 10-1P820: SJ-5 Right of Way Fence Replacement