Friday, April 29, 2022

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41 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2021100056 California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) Pink (Ocean) Shrimp, Pandalus jordani, Fishery Management Plan (FMP)
2014051073 City of McFarland Reaffirmation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance for the McFarland Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Funded through the State Revolving
2020059014 California Department of Transportation, District 8 (DOT) Interstate 10 Replace Rock Slope Protection (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-RIV-24454-R6)
2022040663 California Energy Commission Victor Valley Anaerobic Digester Upgrade and RNG Production Expansion
2020060289 California Department of Transportation, District 8 (DOT) SBD-138 Construct Median and Standard Shoulders (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2021-001-06 (ITP) Major Amendment No. 1)
2022040662 California State Lands Commission (SLC) Issuance of a General Lease – Recreational Use – A 3530
2020100388 California Department of Transportation, District 3 (DOT) SAC-51 American River Bridge Deck Replacement
2018082048 City of Novato Novato Boulevard Improvements Project
2022040661 California State Lands Commission (SLC) Termination and Issuance of a General Lease – Recreational Use – Lease 8362
2022040660 California State Lands Commission (SLC) Issuance of a General Lease – Recreational, Protective Structure, and Right-of-Way Use – Lease 7080
2022040659 City of Los Banos Love in an Elevator, LLC Tentative Parcel Map #2021-03
2016121044 City of Lancaster Tentative Tract Map No. 66842 (revised)
2022040658 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Jensen Avenue Flashing Beacon Project
2009022083 California High Speed Rail Authority California High-Speed Rail: San Jose to Merced Project Section
2022040657 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sugar Pine Point Campground Flagpole
2022040656 City of Hanford Conditional Use Permit No. 2022-01
2018121039 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Permit 19636—Frontier Communications—Utility Poles at Woodlake Bridge
2018121039 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Permit No. 19635 – Southern California Edison Company - Utility Pole Relocation at Woodlake Bridge
2016122058 California Department of Transportation, District 3 (DOT) Permit No. 19568 –Simmerly Slough Bridge Replacement
2022040655 California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) State Route 84 Real McCoy Fenders and Ramps Replacement Project
2022040647 Yuba County EA 2018-0007 (Addendum McGowan Parkway Widening Project)
2022040653 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Edmonston Pumping Plant Cable Raceway Vegetation Removal
2022040652 Western Shasta Resource Conservation District Cal Fire/Caltrans 1-5 Cottonwood Grade Prescribed Burn
2022040651 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Santa Fe Roundabout
2022040650 Alameda County Water District (ACWD) A Resolution of Board of Directors of ACWD Levying a Replenishment Assessment (Resolution No. 22-028)
2022040649 Sutter County Project #U21-0096 (Gill)
2022020530 Sutter Extension Water District Sutter Extension Water District 2022 Water Transfer Program
2021040051 State Water Resources Control Board Secondary Treatment Upgrades
2022040648 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Erosion and culvert repair in Reach 31A
2022040647 Yuba County EA 2018-0007 (McGowan Parkway Widening Project)
2022040646 California Department of Parks and Recreation Invasive Shot Hole Borer and Gold Spotted Oak Borer Management
2022040645 City of Santa Rosa Cleveland Ave, A, B, 7th and 8th Street Lateral Installation and Sewer Main Abandonment
2022040644 City of Pleasanton Augustin Bernal Mountain Bike Trail Project
2022040643 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Emergency Erosion Repairs 2022
2021030038 City of San Diego Paseo Montril
2022040642 City of San Diego Bella Mar Amendment
2022040641 Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District Common Landowner Transfer of up to 4,497 AF of TLBWSD 2022 State Water Project Water to Kern County Water Agency.
2022040640 City of Woodlake Woodlake Holdings Industrial Park
2022040639 City of Chowchilla Site Plan Review 21-0023 - AutoZone LLC Industrial Distribution Center
2022040638 California Department of Parks and Recreation Leased Office Space Renewal