SCH Number 2016121044

Project Info

Tentative Tract Map No. 66842 (revised)
Tentative Tract Map No. 66842 was submitted to the City on March 17, 2016 for the subdivision of approximately 22 acres into 84 single family residential lots. This subdivision was approved by the City of Lancaster Planning Commission on December 18, 2017. With approval of the subdivision, all discretionary actions for the City were completed and remain valid; no other discretionary approvals are necessary. The layout of the subdivision is not changing and will still result in the creation of 84 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet. However, in accordance with what is allowable under State law, the developer will be constructing a total of 199 units on the 84 lots. These dwelling units will consist of the primary residence on each lot along with an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU). Within each lot, primary homes, ADUs and JADUs will be separated by a six foot vinyl fence and linked together via a network of walking paths and trails. The perimeter of the subdivision will be enclosed by a six foot block wall. The development will also provide community amenities including a community building (lounge, office spaces, fitness center), park (pool/spa, bbq area), and parking area for the community amenities. The inclusion of ADUs and JADUs on each lot are allowed by right and do not require a discretionary approval. Subsequent to the approval of the subdivision, the California Fish and Game Commission listed the Joshua tree as a candidate species under the California Endangered Species Act. While in its candidacy period, Joshua trees are afforded the same protections they would receive as a listed species. Joshua trees were identified in the original Initial Study; however, potential impacts to Joshua trees were not analyzed to the level necessary for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to issue an Incidental Take Permit (ITP) as it was not a candidate/listed species in 2017. To streamline the ITP process, the City of Lancaster has agreed to revise the Initial Study to specifically address impacts to the Joshua tree from the proposed project and identify adequate mitigation measures. The initial study has been revised to address these impacts and to update the format to the latest version found in the CEQA Guidelines. No new mitigation measures, with the exception of those necessary for the Joshua tree, have been added nor have any substantive revisions to the original mitigation measures been made.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lancaster Tentative Tract Map No. 66842 (revised)
City of Lancaster Tentative Tract Map No. 66842 (revised)
City of Lancaster Tentative Tract Map No. 66842 Amended