Tuesday, November 19, 2013

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30 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013112048 University of California, Davis UC David Field Hockey Facility
2013118142 Alameda County Water District (ACWD) One-Time Storage and Exchange Demonstration Project for the Use of the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Between Alameda County Water District and Contra Costa Water Dist.
2006072067 City of Rancho Cordova SunCreek Specific Plan
2013112045 City of Trinidad ASBS Stormwater Improvements Project
2013111057 City of Encinitas Amend the City of Encinitas Opportunistic Beach Fill Program
2013111060 City of San Diego Camino Del Rio Mixed Use
2013081010 University of California, Los Angeles Design and License Amendment
2013118136 San Diego Unified Port District CP Kelco Cooling Tower Replacement
2013118140 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan), Victorville Black Canyon Riparian Restoration Project
2013118137 California Department of Parks and Recreation Smokey Bear Property Acquisition
2013092017 City of Milpitas Storm Drain Master Plan 2012 Update
2013118134 San Diego Unified Port District Cruise Terminals CCTV Surveillance Enhancements
2005091105 San Diego County Regional Airport Authority San Diego International Airport Master Plan
2013111058 City of Los Angeles Active Recycling Company, Inc. Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station Project
2013111056 Fresno County Tranquillity Solar Generating Facility EIR
2013042068 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Transfer of Excess Land Parcel Near 5th and R Streets
2013021052 City of Los Angeles City Ordinance: City-Wide Exclusive Franchise System for Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Handling
2013118135 San Diego Unified Port District Coronado Cays Dock Replacement - Kingston Court East
2013111059 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Auberry Road Improvement Project
2013112049 City of Manteca Hat Ranch Project
2013112052 Yuba County 2013-2021 Housing Element
2013118143 Town of Windsor Tank Recoating and Access Improvements - Phase 3
2013112047 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Freeway Performance Initiative I-680 in Alameda County
1999111132 Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District Draft Subsequent EIR for FMFCD 2013 District Services Plan
2013082040 Lassen County Use Permit, Initial Study # 2013-31, Lassen Land and Trails Trust
2013112050 City of San Jose Three Creeks Trail Pedestrian Bridge Project
2013112053 Delta Diablo Sanitation District Pittsburg Forcemain Improvement Project
2013118138 City of Laguna Niguel Orange County Transportation Authority Laguna Niguel/Mission Viejo Metrolink Station American Disability Act (ADA) Improvements
2013118141 California State Lands Commission Letter of Non-Objective to enter State Sovereign Land to conduct Hand Auger Borings to collect shallow groundwater samples
2013118144 San Diego Unified Port District B Street Pier Parking and Parking Rate Establishment/Lane Field Parking Rate Amendment