SCH Number 2006072067

Project Info

SunCreek Specific Plan
The 242 acre Sierra Sunrise Project is located approx. 1.23 miles east of Rancho Cordova Parkway, 0.76 miles west of Grant Line Road, and 1.37 miles north Kiefer Blvd. The project consists of filling wetland, steam channel, and vernal pool habitat with clean soil during dry conditions to prepare for future construction of a residential community with parks and an on-site wetland preserve. Project areas effect by cut or fill slopes will be hydro seeded with native seed mix. Dewatering will occur within the project area. No wet concrete will be placed into the wetland habitat. The project will permanently impacts 4.915 acre/84 linear feet of waters of the US.
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20 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rancho Cordova Shalako West (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. SAC- 53506-R2)
City of Rancho Cordova Smith Property (Streambed Alteration Agreement Notification No. 1600-2018- 0349-R2) Amendment 1 and Extension
City of Rancho Cordova Grantline 220 (Streambed Alteration Agreement Notification No. 1600-2018-0260- R2) Extension
City of Rancho Cordova Grantline 220
City of Rancho Cordova Grantline 220 Outfalls Project
City of Rancho Cordova Grantline 220
City of Rancho Cordova Grantline 220 (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0260-R2)
City of Rancho Cordova Smith Property (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0349-R2)
City of Rancho Cordova Jaegar Ranch Project
City of Rancho Cordova Smith Property Project
City of Rancho Cordova Kamilos Project
City of Rancho Cordova Grantline 220 Project
City of Rancho Cordova Sierra Sunrise Project
City of Rancho Cordova Shalako Project
City of Rancho Cordova Grantline 220 (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0260-R2)
City of Rancho Cordova Suncreek Specific Plan Area, Backbone Infrastructure Project
City of Rancho Cordova SunCreek Specific Plan
City of Rancho Cordova SunCreek Specific Plan
City of Rancho Cordova SunCreek Specific Plan
City of Rancho Cordova SunCreek Specific Plan