SCH Number 2013092017
Project Info
- Title
- Storm Drain Master Plan 2012 Update
- Description
- The proposed project is the implementation of the Milpitas Storm Drain Master Plan (SDMP), which identifies the capital improvements needed to maintain recommended levels of protection against stormwater runoff, and the need for a revenue stream that would allow the necessary capital improvements to keep the storm drain system in working order for the adjacent land uses into the future. The SDMP is based on ultimate build-out within the City's boundaries according to the General Plan's Land Use Map (October 2012). The Milpitas SDMP is divided into different types of improvement projects throughout the City's storm drainage system. To increase the pipeline storm drain system capacity, there are two types of proposed projects: installing new relief sewer pipelines parallel to existing pipelines; and replacing overloaded pipelines with larger diameter pipes in the same locations. Each of the City's storm drainage collection systems discharges into one of Coyote Creek's tributaries, by either gravity or pumping. The proposed project would include the replacement of existing outfalls, installation of new outfalls, or new outfalls where none exists.
2 documents in project