Wednesday, June 20, 2012

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34 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2009102085 Alameda County Alameda County Housing Element Update (2009-2014)
2010081076 Buena Vista Water Storage District BV8 State Water Project Turnout (California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2011-056-04
2012042014 Butte County Carr Mine Mining Permit, Use Permit and Reclamation Plan (Project No. MIN11-0001)
2012069020 City of Calipatria Ortiz Recycling Facility Conditional Use Permit 12-01 and Variance
2012042005 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Madrone Avenue Left-Turn Channelization Project
2012042005 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Madrone Avenue Left-Turn Channelization Project
2012061069 City of Clovis General Plan and Development Code Update
2012041036 East Valley Water District Plant 143 Improvement Project
2012068278 City of Elk Grove House of Hues - Type 2 Design Review (EG-12-016)
2012068277 City of Elk Grove Minor Amendments to Title 23 (Zoning) and Title 4 (Business Regulation of the Elk Grove Municipal Code
2012068276 City of Fontana Utility and Parking Easement Agreement (Westech College)
2012068275 City of Fontana Shared Driveway Easement Agreemetn (Westech College)
2002011086 City of Fontana Second Amendment to the Hilton Garden Inn Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA)
2012052026 City of Galt California Waste Recovery Systems Recycling Processing Center Project
2012061071 Imperial County Reclamation Plan #09-0002
2012061068 Los Angeles County Silverado Power West Los Angeles County
2001082058 City of Oakland Oakland Army Base Area Redevelopment - Authorization of Pre-Development Program to Complete the Demolition of Buildings and the Planning, Study, Preliminary Eng
2006012092 City of Oakland OARB Auto Mall
2004129036 City of Oakland Adopt a Resolution amending the Safety Element of the Oakland General Plan to incorporate the Oakland Local Hazard Mitigation Plan as an implementation annex
2005071102 Orange County RELOOC Strategic Plan - Frank R. Bowerman Landfill
2012068282 California Department of Parks and Recreation ABDSP-SBABDRC Weather Station
2012068281 California Department of Parks and Recreation Boucher Fire Lookout Cabin Restoration
2009042002 Placer County Water Agency Electric Street 5MG Water Storage Tank and Pipeline Project
2012068272 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) JR Simplot Potable Well
2012068273 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Well #2 Filtering out PCE
2012062064 City of Redding Transfer Station and Recycling Facility Master Plan
2009082031 City and County of San Francisco Western SoMa Community Plan, Rezoning of Adjacent Parcels, and 350 Eighth Street Project
2012062063 San Joaquin County PA-1200102 (Vested Tentative Map for a Minor Subdivision)
2011111074 San Luis Obispo County Public Works- La Panza Road Widening Project ED10-141 (300397)
2012061070 Santa Barbara County Olas de Alegria New Residence, Agricultural Employee Dwelling and Guesthouse
2012061072 City of Santa Barbara Climate Action Plan
2012068280 City of Truckee Glenshire Drive Bike Lane and Water Quality Improvement Project
2010062054 Yuba County Yuba County 2030 General Plan Update
2012068274 Fish & Game #2 US 50 Culvert Rehabilitation Project