Friday, September 5, 2008

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52 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2008091029 San Bernardino County Joshua Tree Recreational Resort
2007121001 Monterey County County of Monterey, Resources Management Agency
2008091026 San Luis Obispo County Topaz Solar Farm (Optisolar) Conditional Use Permit (DRC2008-00009)
2001111151 California Department of Transportation, District 7 Interstate 5 Corridor Improvement Project from SR-91 to I-605
2001031028 City of Rancho Cucamonga Victoria Gardens Master Plan Amendments
2008042058 Placer County Oakwood Estates (PMLD T20070721)
2004091012 City of Palm Desert Cornishe of Bighorn
2007082123 City of West Sacramento Downtown Riverfront Streetcar
2008098050 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mott Training Center Audio/Video Conduit Installation
2007082146 City of Redding Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0070 Boulder Creek Sewer Interceptor Project
2008092019 San Francisco County Transportation Authority Yerba Buena Island Ramps Improvement Project
2008092016 Trinity County Tkach Rezone and Tentative Parcel Map P-08-18
2008091023 City of Vista Vale View Drive Tentative Subdivision Map
2008092022 Napa County Vasser V-12 Winery Use Permit P07-00598-UP
2004092011 City of Oakley East Cypress Corridor Specific Plan
2007082167 California Department of Transportation, District 3 El Dorado 89 Segment 1- Luther Pass to Meyers Water Quality Improvement Project
2008092020 City of Redding Salt Creek Heights Subdivision
2006061027 City of Los Angeles Panorama Place
2008092023 Trinity County Serrano Rezone P-08-16
2005011074 Merced County Villages of Laguna San Luis Community Plan - Community Plan No. CP07-002, Parallel Zone Change No. ZC07-006, Agricultural Preserve Amendment No. APA07-001
2008091024 Los Angeles County RENV T200600213 / PM 068295 6989 Elizabeth Lake Road, Leona Valley
2008061031 City of Brawley General Plan Update
2008072057 Placer County Water Agency Auburn Raw Water Supply Pipeline Project
2008098045 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of a Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0444, Red Flat Biomass
2008099004 Sonoma County Steven J. LaFranchi & Associates
2008098088 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Lopez Canyon - Alonzo Acquisition
2008098048 City of Dinuba Application No. 2008-27, Conditional Use Permit, APN 014-242-019
2008092017 Trinity County Chapman Tentative Parcel Map P-08-17
2008082005 City of Vallejo Vallejo Yacht Club Breakwater Replacement Project SD08-0006
2008092018 Stanislaus County Kiernan Court Office Park
2008098049 California Department of Parks and Recreation Monterey Dunes Colony Shoreline Maintenance Right of Entry Permit
2008092015 Tuolumne Utilities District Restoration of a Section of the Upper San Diego Ditch and Abandonment of a 1974 Flume
2007121154 Inland Valley Development Agency Mountain View Avenue Extension and Widening Project at Santa Ana River Project
2008091027 City of Ridgecrest General Plan Amend/Zone Chg GPA/ZC-08-04 and TTM 6691 231 lot subdivision on 161.5 acre
2008098043 Santa Barbara County Santa Ynez River Tamarisk and Arundo Project (SYRTAP) Phase 1
2008072092 Butte County TPM07-0024, Tentative Parcel Map and RA08-0003 Road Abandonment
2008098046 Sacramento County Moses Temporary Medical Hardship Mobilehome Use Permit
2008062002 Western Shasta Resource Conservation District Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0199
2008091030 City of Desert Hot Springs VORTEX Specific Plan
2008098044 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0450, Rafters Salvage
2008071137 Quail Valley Water District Quail Valley Water District Water System Consolidation
2008099003 City of Bell Bell Community Health and Wellness Center
2008021024 City of San Diego Academy of Our Lady of Peace
2007052144 Placer County Walgreen's Drug Store (PCPB T20050614)
2008072093 Butte County TSM07-0010, Tentative Subdivision Map
2008098047 City of Dinuba Application No. 2008-26, Conditional Use Permit, APN 017-101-010
2008092021 City of San Mateo Bayfront Levee Improvements South of San Mateo Creek Project
2008091028 National City Riverview Gateway and Cornerstone Church Redevelopment Project
2000011075 City of Los Angeles Lower Owen River Plan
2008031028 San Diego County Land Minor Subdivison (4 lots), TPM 20975RPL2
2008092024 Contra Costa County Pacific Boat Center - County File #'s R2083201 and DP083015
2008091025 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Approval of Remedial Action Plan for the Former Brown and Bryant, Shafter Site (APN #s 026-190-05 & 026-190-25)