Friday, August 22, 2008

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56 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2006112002 City of Angels Camp Angels Camp 2020 General Plan
2008088264 California State Division of State Architect (DSA) San Diego DSA Office Lease
2008082094 Butte County Tentative Parcel Map for William Kelso TPM06-0035
2008088265 Calaveras County 2007-087 Variance for Richardson
2008081087 City of Calimesa County Line Center (J&R Oil)
2008081121 California Department of Transportation 2009 Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (FSTIP)
2008082100 Contra Costa County Palmer B. Madden and Susan L. Paulus File #SD079210, RZ073194, DP073062, GP070004 & MS040008
1999011069 City of Corona North Main Street District Specific Plan Amendment
2008088266 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Air Cooling Systems-Arnold Housing Unit
1997071059 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Addendum No. 3 to the Final Supplemental EIR for the Robert B. Diemer Treatment Plant Improvements Program
2008088267 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Central Kitchen Water Treatment System
2008088270 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Visitor Processing Center
2008088268 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Retherm Kitchen Remodel
2008088269 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Additional Freezers for Capacity
2008082099 City of Danville Sycamore Creek Trail
2008082093 Del Norte County Tim Haban and John Pappas - Coastal Development Permit for an Office and Storage Bldgs - B30108C
2008082095 El Dorado County Tentative Parcel Map P06-0038 / Bianchi
2008082108 El Dorado County A 08-0001, OR 08-0001; Mixed Use Development
2008081111 Heber Public Utility District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project
2004071030 Los Angeles County Copper Creek North, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 47760
1999101054 Los Angeles County Copper Creek South, Revised Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 43589
2008031020 Los Angeles Unified School District South Region High School No. 15
2006091037 Merced County Merced County Enterprise Zone
2008088261 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Enhanced Vapor Recovery Upgrades for Gasoline Dispensers - Preliminary and Final Design Phases
2008088258 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Union Station Headquarters Technology Upgrade Project
2008088259 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Fuel Reduction at the Corona Hydroelectric Plant (Corona HEP)
2003042079 City of Modesto Kansas Woodland Business Park Specific Plan EIR
2008082097 Napa County Berg-Latschaw Vineyard - Vineyard Conversion #P08-00017-ECPA
2008042010 City of Nevada City Deer Creek Tribute Trail and Restoration Project
2008042010 City of Nevada City Deer Creek Tribute Trail and Restoration Project
2005071102 Orange County A Revised Full Solid Waste Facilities Permit No. 30-AB-0360
2008088271 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sacramento Southern Railroad Engine Repair and Maintenance Facility
2008081090 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) San Joaquin Cross Valley Loop
2008088253 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Order No. R2-2008-0074, Revised Waste Disharge Requirements and Rescission of Order No. 96-041 for Vasco Road Landfill, Alameda County
2008088254 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Adoption of Waste Discharge Requirements for Rhodia Inc., for the property located at 100 Mococo Road, Martinez, Contra Costa County
2008088260 The Resources Agency Dos Rios Ranch Acquisition
2008081091 Riverside County Riverside County Fire Dept.'s Cajalco Fire Station and Improvements to WMWD's Operations Center
2008081092 City of Riverside Santa Ana River Trunk Sewer Replacement Project
2008081089 City of Riverside Mary Street (Frances Mary Relocation) Booster Station Project
2008088256 Sacramento County Lone Tree Road Right-of-Way, Public Utility, Pedestrian and Postal Easement Abandonments
2008088255 Sacramento County SMUD Apple Computer 69KV Line Extension Project
2003072087 Sacramento County Teichert Quarry General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Use Permit and Reclamation Plan and Development Agreement
2008088257 Sacramento County Drainage Easement Abandonment on Lot 269 of "Plat of Orangevale Colony"
2008081093 City of San Buenaventura Highway 126 Bicycle Path Gap Closure Phase II
2008081086 City of San Clemente General Plan Amendment (GPA) 08-357/ Zoning Amendment (ZA) 08-356, Shirley Lot
2008081088 San Luis Obispo County Variance DRC2006-00166
2008082098 City of Santa Clara Our Lady of Peace Church and Shrine Rezone and Use Permit Amendment for New Parking Lot
2008042105 Solano County Solano County Old Library Adaptive Reuse as a Meeting and Conference Center Project
2008088252 Soquel Elementary School District Installation of Solar Panel on Pole at New Brighton Middle School
2008088251 Soquel Elementary School District Adoption to Increase School Facilities Fees
2006122022 Stanislaus County A new Full Solid Waste Facilities Permit (Compostable Materials Handling Facility) No. 50-Aa-0028
2008088250 California Tahoe Conservancy Talmont One 2008
1999081024 Tulare County A New Full Solid Waste Facilities Permit (Compostable Materials Hangling Facility) No. 54-Aa-0026
2008088263 University of California, Davis Fish and habitat response to the natural flow regime of the North Fork of the American River
2008088262 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bear River Sediment Removal Survey Project
2007032029 City of West Sacramento SacPort Regional Terminal Tankfarm Project