Monday, August 26, 2002

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96 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2002072013 Alameda County Surface Mining Permit SMP-24, Quarry Expansion
2002082084 City of Arcata Beith Creek/Gannon Slough Culvert Replacement Project
2002088435 California Department of State Parks, Division of Boating and Waterways Castaic Lake Access Ramp Removal
2002088379 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Rock Slope Protection
2002088436 California Department of Transportation, District 3 03-BUT-99, EA 03-2C5300, Traffic Signal Installation
2002062111 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Brockway Summit Water Quality Improvement Project
1999041010 City of Carlsbad Bressi Ranch Industrial
2002082089 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Sacramento River Flood Control System Evaluation, Phase II - Site 7 Extension
2002081116 City of Chula Vista Bayfront Village
2002088424 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Belridge III 7099AHZL-3
2002088404 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 7325
2002088407 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Tulare" 3-12H
2002088413 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 515U-33
2002088427 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Lost Hills One 8371A
2002088410 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 345A-35S
2002088426 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Lost Hills One 8350
2002088409 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 61
2002088406 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Jeffries" 2-7H
2002088412 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 334-33S
2002088418 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "B.B. & O." 550H
2002088415 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Formax West" 904W
2002088420 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "B.B. & O." 530H
2002088416 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "B.B. & O." 570H
2002088419 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "B.B. & O." 540H
2002088402 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 7374
2002088425 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Lost Hills One 8349
2002088408 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Section 31D" 100
2002088422 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Hopkins 7076HZL-4
2002088401 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 7450
2002088421 California Department of Conservation (DOC) 517UHZL-33
2002088405 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Western Minerals NCT-1" 29
2002088428 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Lost Hills One 8374
2002088411 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 323-35S
2002088403 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 7373
2002088417 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "B.B. & O." 560H
2002088423 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Belridge III 7100AHZL-3
2002088400 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 8374A
2002088414 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Section 31D" 520H
2000042093 Del Norte County SAA #02-0201
2000042093 Del Norte County SAA #02-0254
2002082088 Del Norte County Phillip & Reni Wienecke - Coastal Development Permit #B26739C
2002082087 El Dorado County S85-88R/Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care
2002089067 El Monte City School District New Joint Use Gymnasium Project - Durfee Middle School
2002089066 California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement for Notification #02.0327
2002088382 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #02-0268
2002088381 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #02-0309
2002088380 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #02-0101
2002021023 Fresno County Construction and Operation of the Fresno County Juvenile Justice Campus
2002082091 City of Larkspur Tosco Gas Station Project
2002051043 Los Angeles City Community Redevelopment Agency The Coliseum Center
2002081119 Los Angeles County CUP/ZC/PA 02-094
2002081117 Los Angeles County AT&T Wireless Communication Facilities
2002082083 City of Mammoth Lakes Main Street Housing Project
2002072071 City of Oakley Initial Study/Negative Declaration for Land Use Permit and Development Plan for Rasooly Industrial Complex
2002081120 Olivenhain Municipal Water District Water and Wastewater Public Health Security Security Communications Antennas
2002081122 California Department of Parks and Recreation Border Field State Park Develop and Rehabilitation Day Use Facilities
2002088429 California Department of Parks and Recreation 'No Dogs on Beach' Signage
2002088434 California Department of Parks and Recreation Passenger Station Gate Repairs
2002088431 California Department of Parks and Recreation European Beachgrass Control
2002061081 City of Pasadena Pasadena Power Plant Upgrade Project
2002061081 City of Pasadena Pasadena Power Plant Upgrade Project
2002081121 City of Placentia City of Placentia General Plan Housing Element Update
2002082082 Plumas County Summer 2002 General Plan Amendments - Metts, Robert and Nansea (GPA 2-01/02-6)
2002088388 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park
2001071137 Riverside County EIR No. 434 Plot Plan No. 16535
2002011109 City of Rolling Hills Estates Rolling Hills Covenant Church Expansion
1999082100 Sacramento County Bradshaw Landing (AKA: Sacramento Promenade) Com. Plan Amendment Rezone, Use Permit, Variance & TSM Plan
2002062009 Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District McDonald Ranch
2002031023 City of San Diego East Penasquitos Sewer Line Improvement & Restoration Project
2002081115 San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority Redesignation of the Central Coast Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ)
2002099034 City of San Rafael Third Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan for the Central San Rafael Redevelopment Project Area
2000011080 City of Santa Fe Springs Proposed Update of the Santa Fe Springs Consolidated Redevelopment Project
2000121042 City of Santa Monica McDonald's Mixed Use Project
2002082090 City of Saratoga Saratoga Fire Station
2001051137 City of Solana Beach Solana Beach Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Protection Ordinance EIR
2002072058 Solano County Use Permit No. U-02-07/ Marsh Development Permit No. MD-02-01 (Slawson Exploration)
2002082085 Solano County Bridge 23C-165 Replacement Project on Gordon Valley Road at Ledgewood Creek
2001021027 South Coast Air Quality Management District Reliant Energy-Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Installation Project
2002062075 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan for the Crossings / San Bruno Site
2002082092 City of Vallejo State Route 37/Mare Island Interchange Project
2002088432 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Yolo Bypass Flood Control Project - 2002 Dense Vegetation Maintenance
2002088430 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Almaden Valley Dam, No. 622-14
2002088433 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Sycamore Creek Flood Control Project - 2002 Dense Vegetation Maintenance
2002051153 City of Yucaipa Tentative Tract Map
2002089065 Fish & Game #2 Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement for Notification #01-0084
2002082086 Fish & Game #2 Glenshire/Devonshire Lake Trail
2002088383 Fish & Game #3 Debris Removal of Culvert at Bayberry and Palm Avenues
2002088387 Fish & Game #3 Bridge Replacement
2002088384 Fish & Game #3 Loughlin Bank Stabilization
2002088385 Fish & Game #3 Refugio Park Lake Maintenance Clean-up Program
2002052106 Fish & Game #3 SAA #02-0325
2002052106 Fish & Game #3 SAA #02-0324
2002052106 Fish & Game #3 SAA #02-0326
2002089068 Fish & Game #5 ER 96-28 Ryan Park - Zone Change and Conceptual Master Plan for Community Park Addendum
2002088378 Fish & Game #5 Restoration of Robles Diversion Dam Basin
2002081118 Fish & Game #6 Bishop Creek Hydro Project: Intake 2 Dewatering and Sediment Removal for the Purpose of an Engineering Evaluation