Monday, July 23, 2001

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90 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
200132 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Chicken Ranch Rancheria APN 058-300-25
2001072098 Butte County Ridgeview Estates Tentative Subdivision Map
2000111165 California Department of Transportation, District 7 Proposed Improvements to the Interstate 5/State Route 126 Interchange
2000111165 California Department of Transportation, District 7 I-5/ SR-126 Interchange Improvement Project
2001032107 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Sherman Island Dredge Material Demonstration Project
2001032058 Central Valley Flood Protection Board American River Watershed, California Folsom Dam Modifications Project
2001072090 City of Chico Rolling Hills at Canyon Oaks, Subdivision, Phase III
2001051128 City of Chowchilla City of Chowchilla Redevelopment Plan
2001078433 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 315X-35S (030-18974)
2001078430 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Reed Crude A" T.O. 7 (030-18963)
2001078447 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "SEBU T" 7157HZ-12 (030-18954)
2001078424 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Revenue" T.O. 7 (030-18969)
2001078444 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "KCLB" 53H (030-18959)
2001078427 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Knob Hill" T.O. 3 (030-18966)
2001078436 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 18W-31S (030-18980)
2001078431 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sterling" T.O. 17 (030-18962)
2001078448 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "SEBU T" 7157AHZ-12 (030-18953)
2001078428 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Gold Standard" T.O. 3 (030-18965)
2001078445 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Red Ribbon Ranch" 80 (030-18960)
2001078442 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Kern River Drillers" 520 (030-18958)
2001078422 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "San Joaquin" T.O. 38 (030-18971)
2001078439 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 31S-36R (030-18977)
2001078425 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Revenue" T.O. 6 (030-18968)
2001078423 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Wilson" T.O. 2 (030-18970)
2001078446 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "SEBU T" 7188HZ-12 (030-18955)
2001078426 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Rasmussen" T.O. 526 (030-18967)
2001078443 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "SCLU" 61-10 (030-18952)
2001078440 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 41X-33R (030-18976)
2001078437 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 88E-31S (030-18979)
2001078438 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 77-31S (030-18978)
2001078434 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 81-6G (030-18982)
2001078441 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 58-19R (030-18975)
2001078432 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sovereign" T.O. 2 (030-18961)
2001078449 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Fee B" T.O. 3 (030-18973)
2001078435 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 17S-32S (030-18981)
2001078421 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "San Joaquin" T.O. 39 (030-18972)
2001078429 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Reed Crude A" T.O. 8 (030-18964)
2000121060 City of El Centro Change of Zone No. 00-02 and Buena Vista Park Tentative Subdivision Map
2001078393 California Energy Commission Addition of Recycling Option for Wastewater Disposal Sunrise Power Project (Docket #98-AFC-4C)
2001078467 California Energy Commission Approval of Construction and Operation of 700 Foot Natural Gas Pipeline Connection Between Sutter Energy Center and Greenleaf I Facility (97-AFC-2C)
2000091085 City of Fontana Coyote Canyon Specific Plan and Annexation
2001042072 City of Healdsburg Amendments No. 2 to the Community Development Plan for the Sotoyome Community Development Project Area
2001078454 Hueneme School District Driveway Maintenance
2001078450 Hueneme School District Robinson Creek (South Branch) Streambank Stabilization
2001078451 Hueneme School District Vine Hill School Road Culvert Repair
2001078453 Hueneme School District Road Reconstruction
2001078452 Hueneme School District Limekiln Creek Trail Rehabilitation
2001071112 Inyo County Conditional Use Permit #2001-15/Singh
2001071109 City of Irvine MacArthur Boulevard/Red Hill Avenue Intersection Improvements
2001071117 Kern County EAKC8-01
2001078457 City of Los Angeles Experimental Removal of Beaver Dams in the Lower Owens River
1992052017 City of Modesto Amend P-D(371) to Allow a Cellular Antenna Tower
1992052017 City of Modesto Amendment to P-D(397)
2001072099 Modoc County Modoc County Regional Transportation Plan - ER01-45
2001012101 Nevada County Ralph & Julia Mullican (Yuba Blue - Smartville Rock) File # U00-009, RP00-004; Z00-001 & EIS00-014
2001071115 City of Newport Beach Jackson Residence (PA 2001-062)
2001071119 Nipomo Community Services District Tefft Street Water Transmission Line
2001071111 North of the River Sanitary District Annexation No. 48
1993071064 Orange County Brightwater Development Project
2000101043 Orange County Water District Talbert Barrier West End Improvement Project
2001072095 Peralta Community College District Vista College
2001072097 Placer County Northstar-at-Tahoe Employee Housing/Sawmill Heights (EIAQ-3565)
2001072096 Plumas County Tentative Parcel Map, Sylvia Kim (TPM 5-00/01-12)
2001071116 City of San Bernardino Casa Ramona Renovation Project
2001071114 City of San Diego Regents Square II
2001072091 City and County of San Francisco 300 Spear Street Project
2001072092 City and County of San Francisco 201 Folsom Street Project
1998031150 City of San Juan Capistrano Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream Alteration (SAA R5-2002-0115) for the Construction of the San Juan Hills High School
2001072094 Sonoma County Vine Hill Ranch Winery-UPE 99-0169
2001072093 Tahoe City Public Utility District West Shore Bike Path Realignment - Upper Sequoia Area
1997121030 City of Temecula Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan- 2nd Revised Draft EIR
2001079059 City of Truckee AT&T Wireless Services Monopole
2001071110 United Water Conservation District Saticoy Groundwater Storage Management Project
2000062073 University of California Santa Cruz College Infill Apartments
1999082040 City of Vacaville Leisure Town Bridge Widenings, Safety Project
2001078419 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Thermalito Afterbay Bike Trail Parking Area
2001078464 Yuba City First Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan for the Yuba City Redevelopment Project
2001078458 Fish & Game #2 Private Bridge Construction
2001078455 Fish & Game #2 Installation of Water Line and Storm Water Outfalls
2001078459 Fish & Game #2 Installation of Three Stream Crossings Using Culverts
2001078462 Fish & Game #2 Cruise & Tarry Boat Ramp Channel Dredging and Debris Removal
2001079049 Fish & Game #2 Installation of Two Temporary Water Crossings
2001078463 Fish & Game #2 Construction of 5' X 15' Box Culvert
2001078460 Fish & Game #2 Septic Repair
2001078461 Fish & Game #2 Henness Pass Road Bridge Replacement Over the Little Truckee River
2001078456 Fish & Game #2 7628 Sycamore Drive: Culvert Replacement Project 2001
2001079048 Fish & Game #2 Installation of Culverts for Timber Harvest
2001078466 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Mapes Ranch Acquisition
2001078465 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Riparian Habitat Restoration, Lower Colorado River