Friday, July 20, 2001
- Received Date
- 2001-07-20
- Edit Search
44 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2000101124 | NOD | City of Artesia | Artesia Redevelopment Project Area | |
2001072087 | NEG | City of Belvedere | 57 West Shore Road Pier, Gangway, Dock, and Boat Lift | |
2001022002 | EIR | California State University, San Jose (SJSU) | Master Plan 2001 | |
2001078417 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Replace Signals | |
2001071102 | NOP | City of Corona | Corona Civic Center | |
2001072084 | NEG | East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) | Camanche Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project | |
1998072050 | NOD | El Dorado County | Construction, Relocation, and Abandonment of Water and Sewer Facilities in Saratoga Road, Project No.s 02016E and 02014E, Work Order No.s 47432 and 47433 | |
1998072050 | NOD | El Dorado County | Construction, Relocation, and Abandonment of Water and Sewer Facilities in Saratoga Road, Project No.s 02016E and 02014E, Work Order No.s 47432 and 47433 | |
1998041020 | NOP | Inyo County | Pine Creek Communities Development Project | |
2000101059 | FIN | Kern County Water Agency | Groundwater Storage, Banking, Exchange, Extraction and Conjunctive Use Program | |
2000101059 | NOD | Kern County Water Agency | Groundwater Storage, Banking, Exchange, Extraction and Conjunctive Use Program | |
2001021036 | NOD | City of La Mesa | University Channel/Massachusetts Avenue and Boulevard Drive | |
2001071106 | NEG | City of Lakewood | West San Gabriel River Park | |
1999091147 | NOD | Los Angeles County | Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 52883, Conditional Use Permit Case No. 99-014 | |
2001071127 | NEG | Los Angeles County | Puddingstone Invert Access Ramp | |
1993042004 | NOD | City of Modesto | Vesting Tentative Parcel Map for T.R.S. Enterprises | |
2001071105 | NEG | National City | Specific Plan and Subdivision for 42 Single Family Residential Parcels, SP-2000-1, S-2000-3, IS-2000-10 | |
1999091120 | NOD | City of Newport Beach | Koll Center Newport-Office Site B | |
2001071101 | NOP | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area General Plan Amendment | |
1992092074 | NOD | Plumas County | Foxwood Unit 1: TSM 6-00/001-07 | |
1998081091 | NEG | Porterville Unified School District | New Castle/Prospect Middle School Expansion | |
1998100277 | NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Level 3 Long Haul Fiber Optic from San Bernardino to the CA/Nevada State Line | |
2001072083 | NEG | City of Redding | Turtle Bay Arboretum on the River Core Facilities Use Permit UP-10-01 | |
2001042079 | NOD | Sacramento County | Aurelius Way/Central Avenue Storm Drain Project | |
2001031091 | NOD | San Bernardino City Unified School District | Nutrition Center Expansion | |
2001071107 | NEG | San Bernardino County | Washington Group Intern, Ludlow Pit | |
2001078420 | NOE | City of San Jose | CDF Tree Grant-Strong Neighborhoods | |
2000121012 | FIN | San Luis Obispo County | Oceano Specific Plan | |
2001071121 | NEG | City of Santa Barbara | Hidden Valley Park/Arroyo Burro Creek Bank Repair | |
2001071120 | NEG | City of Santa Barbara | Oak Park/Mission Creek Bank Stabilization | |
2001072086 | NEG | Soquel Creek Water District | O'Neil Ranch Well and Treatment Plant Project | |
2001052017 | NEG | Stanislaus County | Use Permit Application No. 98-21 - Steve and Gari Sperry | |
2001072089 | NEG | Tahoe City Public Utility District | West Shore Bike Path Project: Homewood Area | |
2001078418 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 25-603-11 (McIntyre) | |
2001072088 | NEG | Tehama County | Use Permit #01-12, Mericom Corporation (Sierra Pacific Industries, Owner) | |
2000092012 | NOD | University of California | Veterinary Medicine 3A | |
2001042069 | NOD | University of California, Davis | Science Lab Building and Lecture Hall Facilities (tiered from SCH # 1994022005) | |
2001051126 | NOD | University of California, Irvine | California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology | |
2000062073 | NOD | University of California Santa Cruz | Cowell, Stevenson, Porter Infill Apartments | |
2001072085 | NEG | City of Vacaville | City of Vacaville Comprehensive Annexation Plan Update | |
2001052120 | NOD | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Acquisition of Water from Western Canal Water District for Use in the 2001 Dry Year Water Purchase Program | |
1999092102 | NOD | Western Shasta Resource Conservation District | Lower Clear Creek Floodway Rehabilitation Project | |
2001078416 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement R4-042-00; Mr. Braddy Culvert Placement | |
2001078415 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Page Residence Repairs and Stabilization to Sycamore Creek Banks |