Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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39 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2024010168 City of Seal Beach Annual Local Paving CIP No. ST02
2024010167 Valley County Water District Advanced Metering Infrastructure CII Project
2024010166 California Department of Parks and Recreation Campground Entrance Road Repair - Geotech Investigation
2024010165 City of Mount Shasta 2023-31 Housing Element Update
2024010164 City of San Diego 7964 Lowry Terrace
2024010163 City of Burlingame 1499 Old Bayshore Highway
2024010162 Riverside County Grand Ave and Sangston Dr Traffic Signal
2016112028 Mendocino County Firestone Stream Crossings, Pond Outlet and Remediation Project, Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MEN-28448-R1C
2024010161 City of Piedmont 67 and 77 Wistaria Way
2024010160 City of San Diego 1661 Harvey Milk Tentative Map
2024010159 Monterey County Well Permit #24-000446-(23)
2024010158 Lake County Lake County General Plan and Local Area Plans Update
2024010157 Cuesta College Cuesta College North County Campus New Instructional Building
2003112039 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Chipps Island Tidal Habitat Restoration Project
2024010156 San Diego Association of Governments Blue Line Signaling Improvements Project
2024010155 City of Glendale Fire Hazard Reduction Project
2023080064 City of San Diego 1 El Amigo Road
2024010154 Contra Costa County Flood Control District Pacheco Creek Levee Breach
2018022051 California Department of Parks and Recreation Parkway Hazard Reduction
2015102005 Humboldt County Water Diversion (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-HUM-43338-R1C)
2017042022 Humboldt County Free Water Diversion Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-44083-R1C)
2024010153 Monterey County Well Permit #24-000432-(23)
2024010152 Monterey County NOE for Well Permit 24-000236(23)
2016112028 Mendocino County Larramendy Stream Crossing Project, Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MEN41295-R1C
2024010151 California Department of Parks and Recreation Railtown 1897 Roundhouse Compressor Base Boards
2024010150 City of Tulare CUP 2023-26 City of Tulare Dog Park
2024010149 Yuba County CEQA-24-0001 (Pendola Road Extension)
2023100200 City of Santa Clara 1957 Pruneridge Avenue Residential Project
2024010148 Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District Conveyance of up to 5,300 acre-feet (AF) of Central Valley Project (CVP) water stored in San Luis Reservoir to be conveyed in the California Aqueduct and delive
2024010147 State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality TD1966911 Hunewell Ranch Twin Lakes Pole Replacement Project
2024010146 Kern Union High School District Arvin High School: Varsity Softball Field Safety Netting
2024010145 Sacramento County PLER2023-00087 Mather Housing Tank Seismic Retrofit Improvement Project
2023090660 Riverside County Ramona Water System Final MND
2024010144 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Colorado River Basin Region 7 (RWQCB) SCE TD1793594 Pipeline Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project
2024010143 City of Vista Las Lomas Grading Project
2024010142 Sonoma County Cirq Winery Use Permit Modification; File No. UPE19-0043
2024010141 Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) CEQA NOE Watts Empowerment Center Music and Film Studio Expansion and New Play Area
2024010140 City of San Jose Cambrian Tanks Replacement Project
2024010139 Santa Clara Valley Water District Canal Maintenance Program