SCH Number 2023090660

Project Info

Ramona Water System Improvement Project
Residents within the Ramona Water System service area in Anza do not have a reliable integrated potable water storage and delivery system. There are currently 96 connections to the system, serving 280 residents. The Ramona Water System (RWS) is in significant disrepair and requires a substantial upgrade to establish a higher quality, more reliable potable water source, storage, and distribution system. The existing RWS does not currently have the ability to provide safe and sustainable potable water to all of its existing customers. The applicant has applied to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) funding for the planning design and construction of the water system improvement project. Project design features include the following components: wells, tanks, pipelines and pump stations.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Riverside County Ramona Water System Final MND
Riverside County Ramona Water System Improvement Project
Riverside County Ramona Water System Improvement Project