SCH Number 2018022051

Project Info

Addendum to the Negative Declaration for the Calaveras Big Trees State Park Vegetation Management Plan SCH no. 2018022051
Since the VMP approval, the district has been conducting a range of fuel management activities pursuant to the Plan but indicates now that as written, the Plan creates limitations that constrain achieving their goals of managing the extremely high fire threat at CBTSP. Consequently, they have requested that minor revisions be made to the Plan to permit prescribed burns to continue.
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12 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Calaveras Big Trees State Park 2024 Rx Burns
California Department of Parks and Recreation Parkway Hazard Reduction
California Department of Parks and Recreation Northwest Omnibus Fuels Treatment Project, additional treatment areas
California Department of Parks and Recreation Addendum to the Negative Declaration for the Calaveras Big Trees State Park Vegetation Management Plan SCH no. 2018022051
California Department of Parks and Recreation 2023 Calaveras Big Trees Rx Burns
California Department of Parks and Recreation South Grove Natural Preserve Prescription Burn
California Department of Parks and Recreation South Grove Natural Preserve Prescription Burn
California Department of Parks and Recreation North Grove, San Antonio, Tire Tree 10, and East Moran Prescribed Bums
California Department of Parks and Recreation Northwest Omnibus Fuels Treatment Project
California Department of Parks and Recreation Giant Sequoia Forest Resilience
California Department of Parks and Recreation Calaveras Big Trees SP-Vegetation Management Plan
California Department of Parks and Recreation Calaveras Big Trees SP-Vegetation Management Plan