Tuesday, November 3, 2020

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37 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2020070309 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Panoche Capital Preventative Maintenance
2020110057 Sacramento Municipal Utility District Station H Substation
2018081093 San Diego County Alpine Community Plan Update
2020110056 Southern California Regional Rail Authority Burbank Junction Speed Improvements Project
2020110055 City of Turlock City of Turlock City-Wide Chlorination Project
2020110054 City of Grass Valley West Olympia Hotel
2020110053 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sycamore Canyon Nature Center Impervious Surface Removal
2020110052 El Dorado County NOP - Creekside Village Specific Plan Project (General Plan Amendment GPA20-0001, Rezone Z20-0005, Specific Plan SP20-0001, Tentative Map TM20-0002)
2020110051 Lake County CUA Major Use Permit, UP 19-40
2014042081 City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; SPA-20-001/PPA-20-001, Amendment No. 25 to the Village One Specific Plan and Amendment to Village One Precise Plan
2020110050 California Department of Transportation, District 8 (DOT) I-40 Colorado River Bridge Replacement Project
2020110049 City of Huntington Park Slauson Marketplace
2015052019 California Department of Transportation, District 9 (DOT) Little Walker River Shoulder Widening Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600- 2017-0156-R6)
2020110048 California Department of Parks and Recreation Right of Entry and Easement Panther Gap Road Landslide Repair
2020110047 City of San Diego Water and Storm Water Group Job 968
2020110046 East Bay Regional Parks District Encroachment Permits Issued to PG&E Regarding PG&E’s Community Pipeline Safety Initiative to implement MOU between EBRPD and PG&E
2020059014 California Department of Transportation, District 8 (DOT) Interstate 10 Replace Rock Slope Protection
2020110045 California Department of Parks and Recreation Social Hall Drainage Improvements
2019039136 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration and Flood Improvement Project
2020110044 City of La Habra Rancho La Habra Residential Development Project
2020070309 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Panoche Capital Preventative Maintenance
2020031172 City of Fullerton Goodman Logistics Center Fullerton Project
2020110043 East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) SD-426 Process and Gas Piping Replacement
2020110042 Ojai Valley Sanitary District Ojai Valley Sanitary District Excercise of the Power of Eminent Domain to Acquire Real Property for Securing Long Term Ingress and Egress to and from its WWTP
2020110041 Trinity County Caccavo Cannabis Cultivation Conditional Use Permit and Variance
2020110040 Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Hsi Lai Monastery Site
2020110039 Alameda County Eden Housing/Ruby Street Apartments
2020110038 San Diego Unified Port District Lobby Renovation and Lounge Conversion by Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina at Centre City Embarcadero
2020110037 San Diego Unified Port District Bathroom, Bicycle Storage, and Janitor Closet Addition by Safe Harbor Marina Cabrillo Isle at Harbor Island
2020110036 San Diego Unified Port District Ammonia Diffusion Tank Installation by Harvest Meat Company at National City Bayfront
2020040061 City of Fremont *DUPLICATE SUBMISSION* Morrison Canyon Road Traffic Safety Project
2018078266 State Water Resources Control Board Wastewater Collection System Improvements (SRF No. 8231-210)
2014042081 City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; LPC-18-005, Alter Landmark 19(Southern Pacific Railroad Depot)
2009061030 San Luis Obispo County Arroyo Grande Creek Channel Waterway Management Program (Amendment No. 2 to Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0278-R4)
2016052074 City of San Jose St. James Park Capital Vision and Performing Arts Pavilion Project
2020110035 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of land coverage rights to the Liberty Utilities Electric Vehicle Charging Station Project at Lake Tahoe Community College.