SCH Number 2014042081

Project Info

GPA-22-001/SPA-22-003: Village One Specific Plan Amendment No. 26 and General Plan Amendment
Proposed amendment of the City of Modesto Urban Area General Plan Land Use Diagram to amend the land use of approximately 140 acres from Business Park-Commercial-Residential (BCR) to Residential (R), plus associated textual and exhibit amendments to the General Plan document.
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43 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Modesto Administrative Development Review for the Bridges Apartments
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; DPR-23-006: New Gas Station and Convenience Store, Zeff Road at Crows Landing Road
City of Modesto GPA-22-001/SPA-22-003/PP-22-001/TSM-22-002/FDP-22-003: Village One Specific Plan Amendment No. 26 and General Plan Amendment, together with Precise Plan No. 35
City of Modesto GPA-22-001/SPA-22-003: Village One Specific Plan Amendment No. 26 and General Plan Amendment
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; PDA-22-002 Bella Vista Village
City of Modesto Tentative Subdivision Map to divide a 1.26-acre parcel located north of Chicago Ave into seven (7) lots
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; New 32,000 sf 115-ft High Temple Building for the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints (CUP-22-007)
City of Modesto GPA-22-002/SPA-22-001 Arcadia Properties (Tivoli) (subsequent project to Tivoli Specific Plan Final EIR, SCH 2005072125 and City of Modesto General Plan 2040 ME
City of Modesto ZN-22-001/PDZ-22-001 -City-initiated Rezones from Commercial-Industrial (C-M) Zone to General Commercial (C-2) Zone and, from Low Density Residential (R-1) Zone
City of Modesto Amendment to Planned Development (247)
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; DPR-21-025: New 436-Unit Three-Story Apartment Complex “The Hamptons
City of Modesto GPA-21-003/SPA-21-003: Kiernan Business Park Specific Plan Amendment No. 12 and General Plan Amendment (subsequent project to City of Modesto General Plan 2040
City of Modesto Fairview Village Annexation, Fairview Village Specific Plan Amendment Number 4 and Village Phase 1 Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map
City of Modesto DPR-21-021: 326,000 SQ. FT. Industrial building in the M-2 Zone
City of Modesto TPM-21-003 Tentative Parcel Map, Division of 6.3 Acres into Five Commercial Parcels
City of Modesto Amendment to Planned Development Zone P-D (607) Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map Tesoro Homes and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map Wells Avenue Subdivision
City of Modesto Amendment to include a new land use designation of Mixed Use 2 to section III of the Kiernan Business Park Specific Plan
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040, PPA-20-002 - Amendment to Village One Precise Plan Area No. 30
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; TSM-20-002, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, Icon at the Village
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040, PDA-20-004, Amendment P-D(577)
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; SPA-20-001/PPA-20-001, Amendment No. 25 to the Village One Specific Plan and Amendment to Village One Precise Plan
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; LPC-18-005, Alter Landmark 19(Southern Pacific Railroad Depot)
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; TPM15-001:Calla-Monterosso 2900 Scenic Bend Tentative Parcel Map
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040; TSM-20-001/FDP-20-001, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Final Development Plan, Metro at the Village
City of Modesto PDZ-20-001, Rezone of 3313 Coffee Road from Low Density Residential (R-1) Zone to Planned Development Zone P-D(609)
City of Modesto PDA-20-003 - Addition of 1.34 acres in the Low Density Residential Zone to Planned Development Zone, for new 34-unit senior independent apartment complex.
City of Modesto DPR-20-002 - 769,000 Square Foot Warehouse and Distribution Center
City of Modesto FDP-19-001-Administrative Final Development Plan, Public Storage Self-Storage Facility
City of Modesto PDA-19-003, Amendment to Planned Development Zone P-D(602) to allow for new 24-unit two-story apartment complex
City of Modesto PDA-19-003, Amendment to Planned Development Zone P-D(602) to allow for new 24-unit two-story apartment complex
City of Modesto PDZ-17-001 Rezone 2.25 acres from Low Density Residential (R-1) Zone to Planned Development P-D(601) to allow construction of a new 49 unit apartment complex.
City of Modesto TPM-19-002-Vesting Tentative Parcel Map for Bridges Business Park Phase I
City of Modesto RZN-19-001 Rezone 1.45 acres from Low Density Residential (R-1) Zone to Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone.
City of Modesto RZN-19-001 Rezone 1.45 acres from Low Density Residential (R-1) Zone to Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone.
City of Modesto RZN-19-002 - Rezone from Professional Office (P-O) zone to Neighborhood Commercial (C1) zone at northwest comer of Sylvan Avenue and Forest Glenn Drive
City of Modesto Wells Avenue Residential Annexation
City of Modesto Wells Avenue Residential Annexation
City of Modesto TPM-18-008: Vesting Tentative Parcel Map
City of Modesto Wells Avenue General Plan Amendment
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040
City of Modesto Modesto Urban Area General Plan Master EIR
City of Modesto City of Modesto General Plan Amendment 2040
City of Modesto Modesto Urban Area General Plan Master EIR