SCH Number 2020110049
Project Info
- Title
- Slauson Marketplace
- Description
- Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study/MMRP DLR Group has filed a Development Permit/Conditional Use Permit application (Project) that would allow the following on a 5.5-acre property (Project site) on four parcels (2901 and 2909 East Slauson Avenue 5731 and 5795 Bickett Street) located at the northwest corner of the Slauson Avenue/Bickett Street intersection in the City of Huntington Park (reference Exhibit 3. • Demolition (via a Demolition Permit) of 2 buildings (that together comprise an area of 36,723 square feet) existing on the Project site and demolition of 2 auxiliary structures that currently comprise an additional 2,373 square feet. • Remodel/renovation of the one remaining building on the Project site for a new retail tenant. This 55,891 square foot building is one story in height, approximately 18 feet tall, and will contain a tower element that will extend to a height of 30 feet. • Development of two new retail/food building pads for future single-story businesses that would occupy a total 8,050 square feet (4,950 square feet; 3,100 square feet). The new buildings will have parapets 18-24 feet in height and tower elements extending to 28 feet in height. • Development of 225 parking spaces. • Development of five vehicular accesses: one outbound-only drive-through driveway, one full access unsignalized driveway, and one right-turn in/out driveway along Slauson Avenue; two full access unsignalized driveways along Bickett Street. The total area of the renovated building and new buildings would be 63,941 square feet, of which 8,050 square feet would be comprised of the two new buildings. The renovated and new buildings would cover approximately 26 percent of the Project site. Landscaping within the parking lot and along the Project site perimeter will be provided per City of Huntington Park requirements. Project development is anticipated to begin in January, 2021, with the primary building anticipated to open by November, 2021 and building pads for the additional buildings completed by July 2021. The 5.5-acre Project site is bordered to the north by industrial zoned properties and buildings and the City of Vernon beyond, to the south by Slauson Avenue and the Huntington Park High School educational complex beyond, to the southwest by industrial and commercial uses, to the southeast by a commercial use, to the east and northeast by Bickett Street, and to the west by single-story industrial zoned properties and commercially zoned properties.
2 documents in project