SCH Number 2020110041
Project Info
- Title
- Caccavo Cannabis Cultivation Conditional Use Permit and Variance
- Description
- Project Description: The Draft Initial Study-Mitigated Negative Declaration analyzes the potential impacts of the expansion of an existing cannabis cultivation operation. The project proposes the expansion of cannabis cultivation activity on the project site (3800 Barker Creek Rd/APN 015-030-01) from 10,000 s.f. to one-acre of outdoor and/or mixed-light cannabis canopy area. To allow the expansion, the applicant is applying for a Type 3 (Outdoor - Medium) license or multiple Type 2 (Mixed-Light - Small) licenses. Cultivation would occur in outdoor raised beds and within greenhouses that would be developed on four previously disturbed and graded portions of the project site that were used historically as log landings. The Variance is required for the project since one of the proposed cultivation areas does not comply with the 500-foot property line setback requirement in Trinity County Ordinance 315-823. The mixed-light cultivation is proposed to occur with the use of blackout tarps (light deprivation) to allow the applicant to have multiple harvests during the growing season. The project would employ four full-time employees and processing activity would occur off-site. In addition to the expanded cultivation activity, the applicant also proposes a 576 s.f. dwelling, a 900 s.f. cannabis waste compost area, and access road improvements including replacement of a bridge and three culverts to meet CDFW design standards.
2 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) | Barker Creek and Little Barker Creek Bridge Abutment Improvements and Stream Crossing Upgrades | |
MND | Trinity County | Caccavo Cannabis Cultivation Conditional Use Permit and Variance |