Friday, August 9, 2019

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38 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2019080207 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Temple Seep Well Installation (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0372-R1)
2019080187 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) Torrance Logistics M55 Anomaly Repairs (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2019-010-04)
2019080188 California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT) 1 K420: Merced & Stanislaus SR-165 Overlay
2019080189 Kern County PLN19-01468
2019080190 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Robin's Nest Habitat Remediation Project
2019080191 Kern County PLN19-01469
2019080192 Kern County PLN 19-01518
2019080193 Kern County PLN19-01513
2019080194 Kern County PLN19-01515
2019080195 Kern County PLN19-01514
2019080196 California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) Caltrans Encroachment Permit 02-19-6UC-0328 for Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
2019080197 State Water Resources Control Board SDG&E eTS 36412 Access Road Crossing to 2226571, Oceanside Project
2019080198 State Water Resources Control Board PG&E Los Banos-Midway 500 kV Culvert Replacement Project - North
2019080199 Kern County PLN19-01470
2013081079 Kern County Drill Bremer DSl-33R-16
2013081079 Kern County SF E&B 2 Wells 08072019
2019029046 City of San Rafael BioMarin and Whistlestop/Eden Housing Project
2018022032 City of San Jose City View Plaza (File No. H19-016)
2015102005 Humboldt County Rados Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0864-R1)
2017022012 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Fremont Weir Adult Fish Passage Modification Project (Stream bed Alteration Agreement No. 1600- 2017-0067-R2).
2013111039 Riverside County 1-10 Bypass: Banning to Cabazon
2010082063 Alameda County Sand Hill Wind Project
2005102127 City of Sacramento Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center Emergency Department Expansion Project (Z18-214) Addendum to the Kaiser South Sacramento Medical Expansion Env
2016112040 San Mateo County Flood County Park Landscape Plan
2019039032 Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD) Regional Lift Station Force Main Replacements Project
2019039037 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) Upper Blue Lake Dam, No. 97-70
2019049148 Planada Community Services District Planada Wastewater Collection System Upgrade
2019069079 City of Fort Bragg Fort Bragg Housing Element Update (2019) - Recirculated MND
2019080177 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) UPRR Dunsmuir Railway North Fueling Facility – Site Investigation and Interim Measure NAPL Control (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0336-R1
2019080167 Stanislaus County Rezone Application No. PLN2019-0061 - Bronco Wine Company
2019080173 City of Los Angeles Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon Project
2019080175 City of Hermosa Beach RTI Transpacific Fiber Optic Cables Project
2019089026 Fresno County Initial Study No. 7517 (Jason Higton on behalf of Higton Investment Group)
2019089027 San Joaquin County PA-1800259 (SA)
2019089029 El Dorado County DR16 0001/Leave It To Us Self Storage
2019089030 San Luis Obispo County Chesebrough and AT&T Mobility Conditional Use Permit/ DRC2018-00128 (ED19-163)
2019089031 Monterey County OCHO WEST CA LLC
2019089032 City of Rio Vista Pinnacle Gardens, LLC, Rio Vista Farms, Magic Show