Wednesday, February 13, 2019

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49 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2019028266 Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD) CP7684 Construct Waterline in Foothill Blvd from 15 Freeway to Etiwanda Ave
2019028267 Kern County PLN19-00278
2019028268 Kern County PLN19-00289
2019028269 Kern County PLN 19-00299
2019028270 Kern County PLN19-00290
2019028265 Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD) CP7733 Construct Sewer in Hermosa and 4th Street
2019028264 City of Desert Hot Springs Palm Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Project (ATPL 5384-020)
2013081079 Kern County Drilling new wells as part of existing underground injection Control Project
2013081079 Kern County Chevron New Drill Monarch T22
2019028288 Sonoma County Cannabis Manufacturing; File No. UPC17-0086
2019028289 Sonoma County Speciality Indoor Cannabis Cultivation and Propagation; File No. UPC18-0014
2019028287 Sonoma County Cannabis Cultivation, Distribution, and Transportation Operation (File No. UPC17-0046)
2019028286 Sonoma County Cannabis Distribution; File No. UPC17-0088
2019028280 California Energy Commission Low Cost, Large Diameter, Shallow Ground Loops for Ground-Coupled Heat Pumps - Revised
2019028279 California Energy Commission Demonstrating the Potential for On-Site Electricity Generation from Food Waste Using Containerized Anaerobic Digestion Units - Revised
2019028278 California Energy Commission Improving Commercial Vioability of Fast Charging by Providing Renewable Integration and Grid Services with Integrated Multiple DC Fast Chargers - Revised
2019029066 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No 1600-2018-0685-R1 for Nonindustrial Timber Havesting Plan (NTMP) 1-98NTMP-001-HUM
2019029064 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) CAL FIRE Banner Mountain Communications Tower Project
2019029063 City of Hesperia Kaiser Permanente Hesperia Medical Office Building Project
2009091126 California High Speed Rail Authority California High-Speed Train Project: Fresno to Bakersfield Major Amendment No. 8 (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2015-024-04
2019028274 Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) Woodworth-Monroe TK-8th Academy Improvements Project
2019028281 Kern County PLN19-00305
2019028272 Kern County PLN19-00281
2019028271 Kern County PLN19-00300
2019028273 Kern County PLN19-00284
2019028276 Kern County PLN19-00303
2019029057 City of Downey Rancho Los Amigos South Campus Specific Plan
2019029058 City of Del Mar Professional Commercial and North Commercial Zoning Code Amendment (ZA18-002)
2015041037 City of Atascadero Principal Mixed-Use Amendment, CUP, Tentative Tract Map, Zone Change
2018018279 California Department of Transportation, District 11 EA 3A2351 SR-905/Howard Lane Undercrossing Slab Replacement Project
2019028290 California Department of Transportation, District 5 Devaul Creek ENF 05-1K5704/0519000223
2019029065 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Merced Seismic Retrofit Project
2018072028 City of Campbell Campbell In-N-Out Burger Project
2019029059 City of Colusa Colusa Triple Crown Cannabis Research and Development Business Park Project
2019028283 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) New Water Tanks
2019028277 Sonoma County Cannabis Manufacturing; UPC18-0009
2019029056 Tehama Colusa Canal Authority 2019 Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority In-Basin Water Transfers
2019028282 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Emergency Permit for Treatment of Hazardous Waste, Dow Chemical Company,
2019028285 Twain Harte Community Services District Twain Harte CSD Water System Evaluation and Modernization Project
2019029060 Western Shasta Resource Conservation District Western Shasta County Invasive Non-Native Plant Control Program
2019029061 City of Lancaster TTM 70180/CUP 15-18; TTM 70181/CUP 15-15; TTM 7018/CUP 15-16
2019029062 City of Lancaster Tentative Tract Map No. 70892/Conditional Use Permit No. 15-17
2016112028 Mendocino County Schadeck/Hansen Water Diversion and Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0232-R1)
2016112028 Mendocino County Seidell Water Diversion Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0514-R1)
2019028263 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Acquisition of properties in Riverside County in the Palo Verde Valley
2017052040 City of Palo Alto City of Palo Alto Parking Structures at 375 Hamilton Avenue (aka Downtown Parking Garage)
2019028284 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sewer System Replacement and Enhancement
2019028275 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Mettler Shoreline Stabilization Project
2015081063 Santa Barbara County West Cat Canyon Revitalization Plan Project