Monday, November 3, 2014

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44 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013091086 City of Pasadena Reuse of the Desiderio Army Reserve Center
2014118011 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) Mojave Line NO. 1901 Replacement Project
2014118008 California Department of Transportation, District 11 Asphalt Rubber Chip Seal - 2M790
2013012074 Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District Mare Island Strait Outfall Project [California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2013-014-03 Amendment 1(ITP)]
2004111084 Tulare County L38-536 Mountain View Avenue Pipeline Replacement; Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 1600-2013-0059-R4
2010112029 City and County of San Francisco Potrero HOPE SF Master Plan
2014118002 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Ruggiero Retaining Wall Repair
2013111080 City of Pomona Pomona Ranch Plaza Walmart Expansion Project
2014112005 Reclamation District 341 Sacramento River Habitat Restoration and Levee Improvement Project
2014118005 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Aresty Residential Driveway
2014091010 City of La Palma La Palma Freeway Overlay District
2014118003 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Reiche Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2014-0191-R2)
2014062085 City of Berkeley 2539 Telegraph Avenue Project
2014061026 California Department of Transportation, District 11 Intersection Improvement and Curve Realignment at State Route 76 and Valley Center Road
2013012069 Stanislaus County Use Permit Application No. PLN2013-0005 - Holy Family Church
2014118006 University of California, Irvine Primary Electrical Improvements Step 4
2014111004 Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (DPW) Harbor UCLA Medical Center Campus Master Plan
2014112003 City of Atherton Civic Center Master Plan
2014118017 Lindsay Strathmore Irrigation District AGreement for Transfer of Water Supplies
2014111001 City of Los Angeles Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles, Health and Wellness Element of the General Plan
2014118014 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Preserve and Maintain the Integrity of the 16 Bridges on Route 17, 101, 130 and 237
1999092026 City of San Bruno U.S. Navy Site and its Environs Specific Plan (The Crossing Hotel Site)
2014021037 City of Burbank Nickelodeon Office Building Project
2014118018 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Sulphur Creek Fuel Reduction
2012121051 Tulare County Road 182 Deep Creek Bridge Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2014-0035-R4)
2014111005 City of Porterville Newcomb Commercial Development
2014118001 California Department of Parks and Recreation Vegetation Management Fall Creek Truck Trail
2014081061 California Department of Parks and Recreation Light Station Road and Fog Signal Road Bridges Rehabilitation Project
2014091008 City of Newport Beach Newport Boulevard and 32nd Street Modification Project (PA2014-134)
2014112004 Calaveras County Animal Services Center Project
2014118012 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) Deer Creek Streambed Restoration (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2014-0114-R4)
2014112001 City of Sunnyvale DeGuigne Residential Project
2014118009 California Department of Transportation, District 10 STA-132 Overlay 1C900
2014031088 Tulare County Road 224 Deer Creek Low Water Crossing Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2014-0081-R4)
2014118015 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Maintennance of Highway by Cold Planing and Place MHA - 1J860/041000386
2014111002 City of Los Angeles ENV-2014-887-MND / 12833 W. Ventura Boulevard
2014112002 Placer County Hills Minor Land Division (PMLD 20130390)
2014118016 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Resurface Connectors on Route 580 in Alameda County - 1J8701 / 04142000385
2014112022 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Small Food Processors, Wineries, & Related Ag. Processors
2014118013 California Department of Conservation (DOC) SB Well Stimulation Treatment Regulations (OAL File No. Z-2013-1103-01)
2014111003 Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) West Avenue H Wellfield Project
2014118004 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) 2014 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project
2014118010 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Gallo Glass Voluntary Drought Initiative Agreement
2014118007 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Fairfield City Tree Limbing