Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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29 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011082076 Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District (ACID) A.C.I.D. Integreated Regional Water Management Program - Groundwater Production Element
2011092011 City of Berkeley Berkeley Iceland Adaptive Reuse Project
2011111051 California Department of Transportation, District 8 United States Route 95 (US-95) Vertical Profile Realignment Project
2011081074 City of Chula Vista Willow Street Bridge Replacement Project
2011118133 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Pedro Point Coastal Trail Acquisition
2002011037 College of the Sequoias Board of Trustees College Of The Sequoias Tulare Center Master Plan
2011062052 Colusa County Colusa County 2030 General Plan
2010022034 Contra Costa County Shell Oil Products U.S. (Applicant/Owner), COunty File - LP10-2006
2011081014 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Section 31 and 32, T25S, R19E, MDB&M
2011118132 City of El Cajon Amendment of Site Development Plan No. 289
2005102056 City of Elk Grove Grant Line Road Widening Project
2011118130 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuande of Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0219-R1, Installation of Water Diversion Device and Water Diversion Project on McClure Creek
2011118135 City of Galt Substantial Compliance Determination for Galt Walmart Revised Site Plan
2011118131 City of Larkspur City of Larkspur Ord. 981
2008071021 March Joint Powers Authority U.S. Vets Transitional Housing Specific Plan (pass, approve,and adopt a second reading Ordinance #JPA 11-05, an Ordinance approving the US Vets Specific Plan (S
2008071021 March Joint Powers Authority U.S. Vets Transitional Housing Program
2009071069 March Joint Powers Authority Addendum to the Meridian Specific Plan Amendment (SP-5) Subsequent EIR and Plot Plan Amendment 11-05 - Liquefied Gas Storage for the Sysco Facility
2011118134 The Resources Agency Saturn Community School Park (Saturn Elementary School Urban Greeting Project)
2011112040 Rocketship Education Rocketship 6 Public School Project
2011112039 City of Sacramento Water Treatment Plants Rehabilitation Project
2000021027 Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Salinas Disposal Transfer Station and Recycling Center
2000021027 Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Salinas Disposal Transfer Station and Recycling Center
2011111050 City of Santa Clarita McBean Parkway Bridge Widening Project
2008082071 Sonoma County Cardoza Creek Restoration Project
2011112037 Stanislaus County Use Permit Application No. 2011-13 - Fontana Farms
2011112038 Trinity County Resource Conservation District Buckhorn Dam/Grass Valley Creek Toe Drain and Channel Rehabilitation
2007102044 Yolo County County Road 98 Rehabilitation Project
2011118129 Fish & Game #2 1600-2011-0146-R2 Deer Creek Spawning Bed Enhancement Project
2011118136 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Topaz Solar Farms