Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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28 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2010101038 City of Desert Hot Springs Desert Hot Springs General Plan Update
2010012057 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1E (CDFW) Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2010-0230-R1 Ryan Creek Large Woody Debris Project
2010101039 Fresno County Fresno County Regional Bicycle Master Plan
2000041047 Inland Empire Utilities Agency Chino Basin Optimum Basin Management Program
2010101042 Kings County GWF Energy LLC
2010022045 Lake County Henry Blohm MUP 09-07, IS 09-05
2010101040 Los Angeles County Sanitation District Union Street Trunk Sewer, Section 1
2010108105 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Metropolitan Water District Integrated Water Resources Plan, 2010 Update (IRP Update)
2007072023 City of Modesto RZN-10-002/Rezone from Planned Development Zone P-D(131) to the C-3 "Highway Commercial" Zone to Facilitate Development Potential of the Vacant Commercial Site
2010102017 City of Mount Shasta Dr. Kim Centeno Dental Office
2007092053 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mill Creek Watershed Addition to Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park General Plan Amendment
2010108120 California Department of Parks and Recreation Issue Right of ENtry Permit to Tuolumne County to Install Undergound Utilities
2010072023 City of Patterson Patterson Logistics Center
2007122051 Placer County Dry Creek/West Placer Community Plan - Transportation Element Update (PEIR T20070805)
2010102016 City of Redwood City Saltworks Project
2010101041 San Diego Unified School District Herbert Hoover High School - Athletic Facilities Upgrade Project
2009101026 San Diego, Port of North Embarcadero Port Master Plan Amendment
2006102123 City and County of San Francisco Executive Park Subarea Amendments to the General Plan, Planning Code, and Zoning Map; Yerby Company Development; Universal Paragon Corporation Development
2010102014 City of Santa Rosa Draft Santa Rosa Avenue Corridor Plan
2010102015 Shasta County Old Oasis Road Bridge Replacement at Churn Creek
2010051048 Tulare County Santa Fe Bike Path/Multi-Purpose Trail Connection Project
2010108111 University of California Santa Cruz Landels-Hill Big Creek Repeater
2008121133 City of Visalia Visalia Wal-Mart Expansion
2010108113 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Introduction of Local Water from the Semitropic Groundwater BAnk by Kern County Water Agency to the California Aqueduct (SWPAO #08005)
2010108107 Fish & Game #2 Culvert Replacement (PM 0.13) on West Lake Road
2010108106 Fish & Game #2 Kinder Morgan Pipeline Anomaly Dig JT 41610 (1600-2010-0160-R2)
2010108108 Fish & Game #3 Hampton Slope Buttress Project
2010108109 Fish & Game #3 Soulajule Spillway Outfall Repair Project