SCH Number 2009101026

Project Info

North Embarcadero Port Master Plan Amendment
NOTE: Revised NOP The Port proposed a revised NOP on October 18, 2010 to include the following additional PMPA components: - Clarify the North Embarcadero planning limits within the larger Planning District 3, Centre City Embarcadero; - Develop policies to provide low-cost visitor serving facilities consistent with the Coastal Act; - Evaluate potential new multi-use/parking facility at West Grape Street and Pacific Highway; - Identify and analyze a minimum of 2.5 acres of additional open space and public access opportunities that will include, but not be limited to the certain options (identified in the NOP) - Incorporate a comprehensive evaluation of parks, plazas and/or other public open space in the North Embarcadero area, including an evaluation of the size and functionality of existing and planned spaces; - Identify opportunities to enhance pedestrian-oriented circulation and program events to activate open spaces along the North Embarcadero waterfront; - Evaluate potential new multi-use/parking facility at West Grape Street and Pacific Highway; - Evaluate potential new parking facilities to support North Embarcadero uses; - Identify transit stations - Identify and delineate the California Coastal Trail along the Embarcadero waterfront; - Incorporate by reference the NEVP Parking Management Plan; and - Reconfigure the land use designations at the foot of West Broadway to recognize current property ownership and permitting jurisdictions.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego, Port of North Embarcadero Port Master Plan Amendment
San Diego, Port of North Embarcadero Port Master Plan Amendment
San Diego, Port of North Embarcadero Port Master Plan Amendment