SCH Number 2010101042

Project Info

GWF Energy LLC
CUP No. 10-05 permits the establishment of a 125 MW photovoltaic solar generation facility on 957 acres of land within the unincorporated area of Kings County. The applicant is proposing an Amendment/Extension of Time/Addendum to CUP No. 10-05, a previously approved photovoltaic solar facility with up to 125 megawatts (MW). The purpose of the Amendment/Extension of Time Addendum is to analyze a revision to the Project's CUP that would; 1) extend the expiration date of CUP No. 10-05 for three years, 2) modify the requirement to mitigate for the loss of Wainson's Hawk foraging habitat based on a project specific analysis, and 3) remove the requirement to cancel the existing Farmland Security Zone contract and allow the Modified Project to demonstrate Farmland Security Zone (FSZ) contract compatibility by maintaining a reasonably foreseeable agricultural operation onsite detemrined by site-specific soil and water analysis, consistent with Kings County Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 13-058. The applicant also seeks modification to the CUP in order to add certain parcels of land to the project site, accommodate an updated project layout, modify certain Project design Features and conditions of approval in response to proposed project revisions, and make other technical changes tot eh project authorized by the CUP.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kings County Amendment/Extension of Time/Addendum to Conditional Use Permit No. 10-05 (American Kings Solar, LLC), formerly GWF Energy, LLC
Kings County GWF Energy LLC
Kings County GWF Energy LLC