Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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30 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2010032078 Butte County Neal Road Resource Recovery Facility Project
2010011053 City of Murrieta Meadowlark Road Between Clinton Keith Road and Baxter Road Construction Project
2006081129 City of Soledad Miravale Phase III Specific Plan
2007102143 California Building Standards Commission Adoption of Statewide Regulations Allowing the Use of PEX Tubing
2007102143 California Building Standards Commission Adoption of Statewide Regulations Allowing the Use of PEX Tubing
2007102143 California Building Standards Commission Adoption of Statewide Regulations Allowing the Use of PEX Tubing
2007102143 California Building Standards Commission Adoption of Statewide Regulations Allowing the Use of PEX Tubing
2007102143 California Building Standards Commission Adoption of Statewide Regulations Allowing the Use of PEX Tubing
2007102143 California Building Standards Commission Adoption of Statewide Regulations Allowing the Use of PEX Tubing
2010088216 City of Elk Grove Citywide Bus Shelter Improvements
2010081054 San Benito County Use Permits 1030-10A, B, & C and Grading Permits 10-401A, B, & C
2010088213 Inyo County Renewable Energy Ordinance
2010088214 Department of General Services (DGS) Access Road Paving and Drainage Improvements for Leviathan Mine
2007041068 Kern County Alta Oak Mojave Wind Project; California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit 2081-2010-011-04, Major Amendment No. 1
2010032010 City of Lodi Pixley Park Improvement
2001091083 San Luis Obispo County AT&T Fiber Optic Cable Project - San Luis Obispo to Los Angeles
2008122087 City of Ceres West Landing Specific Plan
1982101803 Amador County Buena Vista Biomass Power Use Permit Amendment
2010081052 City of Los Angeles ENV-2010-914-MND - 1605 S. Pacific Avenue
2010088211 Department of General Services (DGS) DTS GOld Camp Facility - Equipment Upgrades
2010088215 City of Elk Grove Williamson Drive Sidewalk Project
2008022054 City and County of San Francisco Crystal Springs-San Andreas Transmission System Upgrade Geotechnical Studies
2010088212 Tuolumne County Flake Grading Permit G10-026
2010081053 City of Carlsbad Agua Hendionda Sewer Lift Station & Gravity & Force Mains, and Gravity Sewer Replacement
2010082044 Sacramento County NSA Pipeline, Tank and Booster Pump Project
2010088210 California Department of Parks and Recreation Whaler's Cove Boat Ramp Repair
2010051078 City of Glendale Ninth Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Glendale Redevelopment Project Area
2010081051 City of Los Angeles ENV-2004-1804-MND-REC2 - 329 North La Cienega Boulevard
2010042007 City of Lodi City of Lodi Westside Substation
2008121044 Kern County Alta Oak Creek Mojave Wind Project, Alata Wind II, LLC; Alta Wind III, LLC; Alta Wind IV, LLC; and Alta Wind V, LLC (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-201