Renewable Energy Ordinance
SCH Number
Public Agency
Inyo County
Document Title
Renewable Energy Ordinance
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Inyo County Board of Supervisors enacted as ordinance on August 12, 2010 to add Title 21 of the Inyo County Code to encourage and regulate development of renewable energy within Inyo County, to amend Title 2, Section 2.40.070 of the Inyo County Code and to add Section 20.08.120 of Title 20 of the Inyo County Code. Under the Ordinance, before commencing construction of a solar thermal, photovoltaic, or wind energy powerplant or an electric transmission line associated with these typed of powerplants, a developer would have to obtain a renewable energy permit; under the Ordinance, such facilities are required to obtain a renewable energy impact determination. The Ordinance exempts developers from the requirement of obtaining a renewable energy permit or impact determination if the developer and the County enter a renewable energy development agreement.
Contact Information
Joshua Hart
Agency Name
Inyo County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The adoption of the Ordinance does not have a significant effect on the environment since it only establishes reasonable regulation of certain projects in a manner that protects the health, safety and welfare of the County's citizens and protects the County's environment, including its public trust resources. As such, the project has no potential to directly impact the environment, and is therefore not subject to CEQA per the "General Rule."
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