Tuesday, May 6, 2003
- Received Date
- 2003-05-06
- Edit Search
35 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2002012080 | NOD | Alameda County | East County Government Center/Juvenile Justice Facility | |
1993072081 | NOD | Big Bear Municipal Water District | STANFIELD MARSH WATERFOWL HABITAT IMPROVEMENT PLAN | |
2003011098 | NOD | Central Basin Municipal Water District | Creation of Dominquez Hills Pressure Gradient and Construction of New MWD Connection | |
2003058072 | NOE | California Energy Commission | Reduction of Annual Emission Rates for the Delta Energy Center Project | |
2003052027 | NEG | Humboldt Community Services District | Klamath River Aggregates Conditional Use and Surface Mining Permits/Reclamation | |
2002031064 | EIR | City of Lake Forest | El Toro Road Traffic and Landscape Improvements Project EIR | |
1992061009 | NOP | Los Angeles County | San Gabriel Canyon Sediment Management Plan (SMP) - Emergency Sediment Removal from San Gabriel Reservoir | |
2003051030 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2002-7627-MND | |
2003051029 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2003-2105-MND | |
2002121111 | EIR | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Implementation of the Robert A. Skinner Filtration Plant Expansion No. 4 and Oxidation Retrofit Program | |
2003052028 | NEG | City of Pacifica | Capistrano Bridge Fish Passage Project | |
2003051025 | NEG | City of Palm Springs | Case No. 5.0666-B-PD-231, The Palm Springs Classic | |
2003052026 | NEG | City of Placerville | Eskaton Village at Spanish Hill | |
1999101052 | NOD | San Diego County | Rancho Pacifica (TM 5148 RPL) | |
2002121124 | NOD | City of San Diego | AAA Club Southern California Hotel Circle | |
2002112035 | EIR | City of San Jose | General Plan Text Amendment and Subsequent Permits to Allow Interim Recreational Uses in the South Almaden Valley Urban Reserve (SAVUR), File No. GPT01-10-02 | |
2003051033 | NEG | City of San Juan Bautista | San Juan Bautista Historic District and Site Plan and Design Review Ordinances and Design Guidelines | |
2003051031 | NOP | San Luis Obispo County | San Miguelito Partners Local Coastal Plan Amendment | |
2003051032 | NOP | San Luis Obispo County | DeVincenzo General Plan Amendment/Coastal Development | |
1994043016 | NOD | Santa Clara County | West Branch of Llagas Creek Mitigation Ponds | |
2003058086 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 31-262-22 (Farokhpour) | |
2003058087 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Delta Diablo Sanitation District Container Crusher Variance - HHWVAR030301 | |
2003058088 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the Whitebridge Subdivision | |
2003054004 | EA | United States Department of Department of Homeland Security | San Diego Border Infrastructure System | |
2003054004 | FIN | United States Department of Department of Homeland Security | U.S.B.P "Indio Station" | |
2003051027 | NEG | City of Victorville | General Plan Amendment 03-002(A), Zone Change 03-004, Tentative Tract 03-017 | |
2003051026 | NEG | City of Victorville | Proposed Tentative Tract TT-03-008 | |
2003051028 | NEG | City of Victorville | Tentative Tracts TT-03-020 (15501) and TT-03-021 (15503) | |
2003058078 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Pond 12 Culvert Replacement | |
2003059014 | NOD | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Sheffield Dam, No. 11-2 | |
2003052029 | NEG | Zone 7 Water Agency | Lake I Maintenance Roadway | |
2003058081 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Burton Reservoir | |
2003058080 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Lasky Single Family Residence | |
2003058079 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Haynes Vineyard | |
2003058073 | NOE | Fish & Game Eastern Sierra-Inland Deserts Region | Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA#6-2003-059) for Santa Ana River |