Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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71 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2024100222 City of Exeter Exeter Test Well Drilling and Sampling Project
2024100057 City of Clovis TM6452, PDP2023-001
2024100056 City of San Diego Cranbrook Court Single-Family Residence / 1109100
2024061250 Napa County Wallis Family Estate Vineyard Conversion Agricultural Erosion Control Plan
2024100055 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region 2 (RWQCB) Site-Bank and Off-Site Sediment Cleanup Project
2024100054 City of Fremont Valero Gas Station CUP Amendment
2013052070 East Bay Regional Parks District Keller Beach Access Improvements
2016112012 Placer County Community Development Resource Agency Placer One East Trunk Sewer - North (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. PLA-47304-R2)
2018121040 Riverside County Triada Development Project, Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-RIV-40125-R6
2024100053 Southern Marin Fire Protection District (SMFD) Southern Marin Zone Southern Marin Forest Health & Fuel Reduction Project
2024100052 Monterey County Water Resources Agency Adoption of Well Registration and Groundwater Reporting Ordinance/Manual
2024100051 Hueneme School District Ansgar Larsen ES - Transitional Kindergarten Classrooms
2024100050 Hueneme School District Hollywood Beach ES - Transitional Kindergarten Classrooms
2024100049 City of Chico 2025 Sewer Main Replacement Project (Capital Project No. 50626)
2018122049 Trinity County Toma Vaglarski Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-TRI-23629-R1I
2024100048 City of San Diego Mission Bay Park Improvements Program EIR
2024100047 Contra Costa Water District Phase 2 Storm Damage Repair of Los Vaqueros Road and Culvert 24 within the Los Vaqueros Watershed - FEMA 4683
2024100046 City of South El Monte 2222 Rosemead Boulevard Warehouse Development
2024100045 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) Keefer Ranch Meadow Restoration Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. PLU-51771-R2)
2024100044 Imperial County CUP#24-0015, Zayo Group LLC
2024010510 Imperial County Dogwood Geothermal Energy Project CUP23-0020/IS23-0026
2024080687 Mendocino County MS_2023-0003 (Rosetti)
2024100043 California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) Vegetation Management/Fuel Reduction Management Along State Route 29
2024100042 California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) CEA Services, LLC dba Curated Cannabis
2024100041 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310182
2024100040 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100049
2024100039 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100053
2024100038 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100069
2024100037 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101736
2024100036 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310001
2024100035 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310011
2024100034 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310016
2024100033 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310022
2024100032 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310039
2024100031 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310108
2024100030 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310158
2024100029 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) CFIA New Buoy Installation (Lake Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. PLA-51532-R2)
2024100028 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310223
2024100027 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310206
2024100026 City of Los Angeles DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310215
2024100025 Riverside Community College District Norco College Center for Human Performance and Kinesiology Building
2024100024 City of Culver City Outdoor Dining - Shojin - 12406 Washington Blvd.
2024100023 City of Oroville Gold Creek Commons - Mixed Use Development Project
2024100022 City of Morro Bay 3300 Panorama Drive Project
2024100021 Napa County 1183 State Lane Certificate of Extent of Legal Nonconformity Request #P23-00354-CLN
2024100020 Citrus Heights Water District Minnesota Dr Water Main Project (C24-101)
2024100019 Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District (ACID) Off-Season Maintenance and Capital Improvement
2024070236 State Water Resources Control Board Courtright Intake/Discharge Gate, Cylinder, and Piping Improvements Project
2024100018 Solano County Department of Resource Management Glass Fish LLC - Revision No. 1 of Use Permit U-93-23
2000071068 California State Lands Commission (SLC) 594994_Group_CRPC_PA
2024100017 City of Glendale Fremont Park Renovation
2024100016 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Juan Bautista State Historic Park Tree Removal
2024060688 Santa Clara Valley Water District Design Level Geotechnical Investigations for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project
2019012052 Ventura County Adams Canyon East Winds Fuel Reduction Project
2019049121 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Minor Amendment to California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2019-066- 00 (ITP)
2024051034 San Bernardino County San Bernardino County Animal Care Center Project - PROJ-10.10.1319 Project
2024100015 City of Carlsbad CDP 2024-0022 (DEV2017-0033) -AVIARA EAST MONUMENT SIGN
2024100014 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) City of Redding Blue Gravel Mine Trail Storm Damage Repair (Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration, No. EPIMS-SHA-50956-R1)
2024100013 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) ISBR Pilot Test – Former Valley Foundry and Machine Works
2024100012 Santa Cruz County Sanitation District EI48-EI49 Emergency Project
2024100011 City of Fairfield On The Green V Virtual Gold Use Permit
2024100010 City of Laguna Beach Professional services agreement for the 2400 Juanita Way road extension CEQA documentation
2024100009 California Department of Parks and Recreation Railtown 1897 Welcome Map Panel
2024100008 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Amendment to the Agreement between DWR and Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District to include Friant Recirc Water as an additional source of Non-Project Water
2024100007 City of Farmersville Fagundes Residential Development
2024100006 Placer County Hawk Minor Land Division (PLN23-00277)
2024100005 California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) UL VISALIA LLC
2024100004 San Bernardino County 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades
2024100003 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) PG&E Former Manufactured Gas Plant, Bakersfield, California
2024100002 Ventura County Ambush Paintball Major Modification Case No. PL21-0091
2024100001 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region 3 (RWQCB) Gilbert Trust Fisherman's Wharf Pile Repair Project