SCH Number 2024100044

Project Info

CUP24-0015/IS24-0024 - Zayo Group LLC
The applicant, Zayo Group LLC., is proposing an unmanned fiber hut which will house servers and ancillary equipment. The project is located on Jessup Road, in the County of Imperial, California . The subject property is described as Parcel 3 PM 1812 of Lots 3 4 & 6 Section 10 16-12 46 .0BAC containing 46.00 acres . The addition will comprise of a prefabricated structure which will be located along Jessup Road , with a footprint of approximately 35 ' by 23' and a height of 11 '1 1" and an emergency stand-by-generator. The installation of-the new hut will house l fiber in support of telecommunications. telephones signals , Internet connection and cable television signals . This Is not a traditional wireless telecommunication site. there will be no antennas or radios mounted to the building or any free-standing structure . The proposed project lime line to complete is from approximately six (6) to seven (7) weeks. The proposed unmanned fiber hut will consist of civil grading/approach, concrete foundation. and installation of a precast building and generator pad with generator. The site construction and electrical will be approximately two (2) to three (3) weeks lo complete and one week for the fiber installation.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Imperial County Zayo Group, LLC - CUP24-0015/IS24-0024
Imperial County CUP24-0015/IS24-0024 - Zayo Group LLC
Imperial County CUP#24-0015, Zayo Group LLC