Thursday, June 29, 2023

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54 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013112042 City of Roseville Notice of Determination for Permit No. 19729 Dry Creek Greenway East Trail: Construction of Cirby Creek Bridge (Bridge 4)
2013112042 City of Roseville Notice of Determination for Permit No. 19730 Dry Creek Greenway East Trail: Construction of Linda Creek Bridge (Bridge 14)
2019039159 City of Roseville Foothills Station (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. PLA-35659-R2)
2023060790 California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) Creative Chaos Holdings LLC (Project)
2023060789 City of Pittsburg 3468 Pittsburg-Antioch Highway Fence Height Exception AP-23-0072 (FHE)
2023060788 California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) SCCC GROUP SERVICES, INC. (Project)
2013042054 City of Elk Grove Shed C Channel Improvement Projects–West Reach, East Reach, Middle Reach (Streambed Alteration Agreements, 1600-2017-0429-R2, 1600-2017-0352-R2, 1600-2018-0056)
2013112042 City of Roseville Notice of Determination for Permit No. 19728 Dry Creek Greenway East Trail: Construction of Dry Creek Bridge North (Bridge 2)
2013112042 City of Roseville Notice of Determination for Permit No. 19727Dry Creek Greenway East Trail: Widening of Existing Darling Way Bridge (Bridge 1)
2023060787 California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) Ramp Metering Systems
2022020532 California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) 02-0J010 South Avenue Safety Project
2022080129 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region 1 (RWQCB) DEIR for General Waste Discharge Requirements for Commerical Vineyards in the North Coast Region
2022010387 Reclamation District 1001 Natomas Cross Canal Stability Berm and Channel Habitat Enhancements Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. SUT-18002-R2)
2021030194 City of Chico Pomona Avenue Bridge Replacement Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. BUT-34822-R2)
2022040440 City of San Marcos Meritage Homes Gran Vista
2023060786 California Department of Parks and Recreation Hearst Castle Upper Road Emergency Repairs FEMA Event 4683
2022110545 City of Jackson Jackson General Plan Update
2023020548 City of San Jacinto KIRBY STREET PROJECT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 38339 (P22-023)
2023060785 City of Pittsburg E 10th @ Los Medanos Street Mixed Use, AP-22-0102 (DR)
2023060784 City of Elk Grove Makamae Melia O'Polynesia Cultural Center (PLNG23-008)
2023060783 Vallecitos School District 80kW Solar PV Carport
2022100480 City of San Marcos Arco Gas Station (GPA21-0001, R21-0001, CUP21-0001, & V22-0001)
2023060782 Sonoma County Nunes Farm Tasting Room and Saralee's Vineyard Winery and Tasting Room
2009111026 City of Buena Park VIiiage at Buena Park (Addendum to the City of Buena Park 2035 General Plan Update EIR)
2023040314 Napa County Ladera Vineyards Winery Use Permit Minor Modification
2023060781 Fresno Irrigation District Source Monitoring and Control with Nitrate Analyzers
2023060780 Merced Community College District Merced College Student Housing Project
2023050688 Tulare County Tentative Subdivision Map No. TSM 23-00 I
2023060779 Department of Consumer Affairs Rancho Cordova Warehouse
2023060778 Colton Joint Unified School District Ruth Grimes Elementary School New School Buildings, New Shade Structure, and Parking Improvements
2019099096 Three Valleys Municipal Water District TVMWD Miragrand Groundwater Production Well
2023060777 Colton Joint Unified School District New Transitional Kindergarten / Kindergarten Facility and Parking Lot Project
2023060776 California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) Pacific Power, SIS 96, Encroachment Permit # 02-23-6-UC-0293
2021060184 City of Walnut Creek Walnut Creek-Mixed Use Special District Project
2010061062 California Natural Resources Agency Temporary Water Permit Applications T033379 and T033380
2023060775 California Department of Transportation, District 7 (DOT) EA 31960 Ventura Overhead Bridge Replacement Project
2023050729 City of Menifee Tentative Tract Map 38128; PLN22-002
2023050729 City of Menifee Tentative Tract Map 38128; PLN22-002
2002011089 Kern County Organics Renewable Energy Project by True North Renewable Energy, LLC
2023060774 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Emergency Permit for Treatment of Hazardous Waste, Santa Monica Community College, Santa Monica, California
2019100513 San Diego County Cottonwood Sand Mine Project
2023050520 Napa County Rutherford Winery Major Modification P19-00126 Exception to the Conservation Regulations P23-00145
2023060770 Kings County Site Plan Review No. 23-07 (California Pistachio Orchards, LLC)
2023060773 City of Vista Sunset Drive Townhomes Project
2023060772 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) Haskell Peak Meadows Restoration Project
2023060771 San Joaquin County PA-2300082 - Waiver
2023060770 Kings County *Duplicate Submission* Site Plan Review No. 23-07 (California Pistachios LLC)
2023060769 City and County of San Francisco PG&E Power Assets Acquisition Project
2023060768 Riverside County Railroad Avenue Bridge Replacement Project
2023060767 City of Pittsburg Athens Painting AP-22-0085 DR
2023060766 California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) CCY CONSULTING INC
2023060765 City of Long Beach 300 Alamitos Avenue Affordable Senior Housing Project (2304-24)
2022020712 City of Mountain View North Bayshore Master Plan Project (DA)
2023060764 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) Lemos Shasta River Diversion and Maintenance