SCH Number 2022010387
Project Info
- Title
- Natomas Cross Canal Berm and Channel Enhancements Project
- Description
- The primary purpose of the Natomas Cross Canal Berm and Channel Enhancements Project (Proposed Project) is to improve flood protection by strengthening the levee in areas that have not been previously repaired and enhance the aquatic and riparian habitat within the NCC channel. This effort will utilize waterside berm plantings of varietal native understory and native plant species; thus, providing a natural wind-wave buffer that will also provide shaded riverine aquatic habitat over an additional 3,600 linear feet (ft), along the channel edge. The Proposed Project will also enhance local aquatic and riparian habitat through vegetation management and grading portions of the central islands to create off-channel non-natal rearing habitat for winter-run Chinook salmon with potential ancillary benefits to other native fishes; terracing and grading the in-channel geometry, near the NCC and Sacramento River confluence; and reconfiguring downstream portions of the NCC into a more meandering channel. These habitat enhancements and channel modifications will benefit non-natal rearing habitat for juvenile salmon – particularly winter-run salmon and other commercially or recreationally important fishes including fall-run Chinook salmon, California Central Valley (CCV) steelhead, and green sturgeon.
5 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Reclamation District 1001 | Natomas Cross Canal Stability Berm and Channel Habitat Enhancement Project (Restoration Management Permit No. RMP-2024-0002-R2) | |
NOD | Reclamation District 1001 | Natomas Cross Canal Berm and Channel Enhancements Project | |
NOD | Reclamation District 1001 | Natomas Cross Canal Stability Berm and Channel Habitat Enhancements Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. SUT-18002-R2) | |
NOD | Reclamation District 1001 | Natomas Cross Canal final NOD | |
MND | Reclamation District 1001 | Natomas Cross Canal Berm and Channel Enhancements Project |