Monday, August 9, 2021

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57 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00853
2021080145 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) Cooper 160
1999112107 Santa Clara County Narnia Lakewater Main Replacement Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1EPIMS-SCL-18240-R3)
2016121048 City of Glendale Grayson Repowering Project, Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report.
2021080144 California Department of Parks and Recreation Control Eucalyptus in Devil’s Gulch
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00821
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00820
2021080143 City of Newport Beach City of Newport Beach Housing Element and Circulation Element Update
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00891
2016112028 Mendocino County Polson Stream Crossing Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0562-R1)
2011071005 South Orange County Community College District 2020 Facilities Master Plan
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00921
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00819
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00932
2021080142 California Department of Parks and Recreation Malakoff Ranger Shooting Range Repairs and Improvements
2021080141 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Slate Creek CIR
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00818
2021080140 City of Glendale Pedestrian Crossing Flashing Beacons Installation Project, Project No. HSIPSL-5144(076)
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00893
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00789
2021080139 California Department of Transportation, District 2 B Bar K Overlay
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00788
2014092081 Sacramento County WILDHAWK WEST RESUBMISSION
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00786
2021080138 Sacramento County Towne Family Trust Parcel Map
2013081079 Kern County OG Sentinel Peak 2 Wells 07272021
2020070055 City of Santa Maria Santa Maria Airport Business Park General Plan Land Use Map, Specific Plan and Zone Map Amendments
2019129064 California Coastal Commission (CCC) Redwood National and State Park Prairie Creek Restoration Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-HUM-15425 -R1)
2021080137 Northstar Community Services District Northstar Tri-Community Forest Fuels Reduction Project
2013081079 Kern County OG Crimson Resource Mgt Corp 2 Wells 07302021
2013081079 Kern County OG Chevron 1 Well 07272021
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00785
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00892
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00280
2021080136 City of Isleton Isleton 2021-2029 Housing Element Update
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00879
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00275
2021080135 West Valley Water District Oliver P. Roemer Water Filtration Facility Expansion Project
2019069040 El Dorado Irrigation District EID Vegetation Management Project-Weber Herbicide Treatment
2017111091 San Luis Obispo County Cayucos Creek Road Milepost 1.3 Slope Repair (Project) (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS SLO-12143-R4)
2021080134 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Permit No. 19590: Gino Baiocchi - Pipe Replacement
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00260
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00884
2021010176 City of Arcata Old Arcata Road Rehabilitation and Pedestrian/Bikeway Improvements Project
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00875
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00138
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00137
2005102122 Marin County San Rafael Rock Quarry Amended Reclamation Plan EIR Addendum
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00873
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00135
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00931
2021080133 Butte County Dark Canyon Road Failure
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00871
2021080132 City of Pittsburg Home 2 Suites Project
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00842
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00919
2013081079 Kern County PLN21-00923