Thursday, October 22, 2020
- Received Date
- 2020-10-22
- Edit Search
31 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2020100415 | NOE | Mercy Springs Water District | WIIN Act Conversion Contract | |
2020100412 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | City of Sacramento 2020 Groundwater Substitution Water Transfer | |
2020100411 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Carmichael Water District 2020 Groundwater Substitution Water Transfer | |
2020100410 | NOE | San Luis Water District | Contract Between the United States and San Luis Water District Providing for Project Water Service San Luis Unit and Delta Division and facilities Repayment | |
2020100409 | NOE | Reef Sunset Unified School District | Avenal Elementary School New Construction and Modernization Project | |
2020100408 | NOE | Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID) | 2020 Temporary Water Rights Changes from The Nature Conservancy to Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District for Irrigation and Shorebird Habitat | |
2020100406 | NOD | City of Montebello | PC-2020-0012-ZV-DA, 7653 Telegraph Road | |
2020050212 | NOD | City of Sacramento | Golden State Water Company 2020 Groundwater Substitution Water Transfer (SWPAO #20759) | |
2019099043 | NOD | Contra Costa County Flood Control District | Lower Walnut Creek Restoration Project | |
2020100403 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | New Bullards Bar Dam, No. 1034 | |
2020100402 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | EMERGENCY PERMIT FOR TREATMENT OF HAZRDOUS WASTE, EXELIXIS, ALAMEDA, CA | |
2020100401 | MND | Placer County | Brown Minor Land Division (PLN19-00076) | |
2015084002 | FIN | United States Department of the Interior | Tejon Indian Tribe Trust Acquisition and Casino Project | |
2020100400 | MND | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Colorado River Aqueduct Conduit Structural Protection Project | |
2019080137 | EIR | City and County of San Francisco | 447 Battery Street Project | |
2019060254 | NOD | Del Puerto Water District (DPWD) | Del Puerto Canyon Reservoir NOD - EC | |
2019060254 | NOD | Del Puerto Water District (DPWD) | Del Puerto Canyon Reservoir NOD | |
2020100399 | MND | City of Alameda | Alameda Municipal Power Solar Project | |
2020100398 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0218-R1 "Little Barkhouse" Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 2-20-00040-SIS. | |
2020100397 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0009-R1 "Slingshot" Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 2-19-00163-TRI. | |
2020100396 | NOE | Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District | Box Springs Reserve Fuel Reduction & Clearing | |
2020059032 | FIN | California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) | Morning Drive 3R Rehabilitation Project | |
2020100395 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 (DOT) | State Route 65/Interstate 80 Pavement Preservation | |
2019099075 | NOD | City of Santa Clara | Removal Action Workplan for 2330 Monroe Street Affordable Housing Project | |
2020100394 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 (DOT) | LAK 20 Culvert Repair Project | |
2020100393 | NOE | Mono County | Fern Lk/ Yost Crk Trailhead FRD Sign Installation | |
2020100392 | NOE | Paramount Unified School District | Zamboni Middle School Renovation | |
2020100391 | NOE | Sonoma County | 2020 Northwest Hazard Tree and Vegetation Removal Project (Project No. M21901) | |
2018101005 | NOD | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Revised Interim Measures Implementation Plan, Polynt Composites USA | |
2020100390 | NOP | Madera County | The Lodge at Yosemite South | |
2020040311 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | SUB2019-00046 TR 3132 Toad Creek Terrace LLC, Tract Map (ED20-029) |