WIIN Act Conversion Contract
SCH Number
Public Agency
Mercy Springs Water District
Document Title
WIIN Act Conversion Contract
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project is for the execution of a contract to amend and convert the Mercy Springs Water District's (" District" ) existing contract with the United States, by and through the United States Bureau of Reclamation, for the delivery of Central Valley Project ("CVP"} water ("Conversion Contract"). Authorized by the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (Pub. L. 114-322, 130 Stat. 1628) (the "WIIN Act"}, the Conversion Contract continues water service to the District in the same amounts as the District's CVP contract dating back to 1967, less the amount partially assigned to other water contractors, and is in the same scope and nature as ongoing District and CVP operations. The Conversion Contract allows the District to repay in one lump sum the capital construction costs incurred by the United States Bureau of Reclamation ("Reclamation") for the existing CVP facilities. The purpose of this Conversion Contract is to continue long-term availability of CVP water to the District.
The direct beneficiaries of this project are the District's landowners and water users, whose activities help support the economies of neighboring communities, most of which are disadvantaged. By converting its existing contract, the District will ensure continued water availability of CVP water to the District. The District owns, operates, and maintains facilities that supply CVP water from and deliver it to the District's landowners and water users. Without the District, the landowners and water users now receiving CVP water would have a difficult time diverting and receiving this important supply.
Contact Information
Ara Azhderian
Agency Name
Mercy Springs Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Mercy Springs Water District
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Existing Facilities - Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15301; and Common Sense Exemption - Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15061,
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA Guidelines, § 15261 - Executing the Conversion Contract is statutorily exempt from CEQA because the water deliveries currently under contract were approved prior to November 23, 1970. The District entered into Contract No. 14-06-200-3365A ("Original Contract") with the United States on July 21, 1967 for the delivery of 13,300 AF of CVP water ("Contract Supply").
The Original Contract for Contract Supply was extended pursuant to Subsection 3404(c)(1) of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act, whereby the United States and the District entered into interim renewal contracts identified as Contract Nos. 14-O6-200-3365A-IR1 through 14-06-200-3365A-IR8 (collectively, "Interim Contracts"), which provided for the delivery of Contract Supply to the District from March 1, 1995, through February 28, 2006.
See NOE for full details.
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Ongoing Project - Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15261; Rates, Tolls, Fares, and Charges - Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 1527
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA Guidelines, § 15261 - Executing the Conversion Contract is statutorily exempt from CEQA because the water deliveries currently under contract were approved prior to November 23, 1970. The District entered into Contract No. 14-06-200-3365A ("Original Contract") with the United States on July 21, 1967 for the delivery of 13,300 AF of CVP water ("Contract Supply").
The Original Contract for Contract Supply was extended pursuant to Subsection 3404(c)(1) of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act, whereby the United States and the District entered into interim renewal contracts identified as Contract Nos. 14-O6-200-3365A-IR1 through 14-06-200-3365A-IR8 (collectively, "Interim Contracts"), which provided for the delivery of Contract Supply to the District from March 1, 1995, through February 28, 2006.
See NOE for full details.
Notice of Exemption
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