SCH Number 2020050212

Project Info

2020 Temporary Groundwater Substitution Water Transfer
The City of Sacramento is participating with five other regional water agencies in a regional water transfer project to provide up to 18,500 acre-feet of water to Buyers in 2020. As part of a regional water transfer led by the City, Golden State Water Company (GSWC) will temporarily transfer up to 2,500 acre-feet of its pre-1914 water rights water supplies that have been quantified and are made available on a perpetual basis by the United States Bureau of Reclamation under a contract. The water demands that would otherwise be served by GSWC’s delivery of this surface water to its customers will instead be satisfied by increased groundwater pumping by GSWC. That pumping will occur within existing historical baselines and the requirements of an existing groundwater management plan administered by the Sacramento Central Groundwater Authority (SCGA). The transfer water will be exported by DWR using existing State Water Project (SWP) facilities during the summer and fall of 2020. However, the transfer water may be temporarily stored in San Luis Reservoir for later delivery to an individual Buyer’s service area.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Sacramento Golden State Water Company 2020 Groundwater Substitution Water Transfer (SWPAO #20759)
City of Sacramento 2020 Temporary Groundwater Substitution Water Transfer
City of Sacramento 2020 Temporary Groundwater Substitution Water Transfer