SCH Number 2018101005

Project Info

Revised Interim Measures Implementation Plan, Polynt Composites USA
The DTSC has approved the Revised IMIP for soil and groundwater contamination at the Polynt Composites USA, INC. facility located at 2801 Lynwood Road, Lynwood, LA County, CA. The Revised IMIP will expand the existing soil vapor extraction system with the additional air sparging to improve the rate of soil and ground water contaminant removal. The proposed approach will introduce fresh air into the ground wart resulting in physical removal and biological degradation (destruction) of contaminants. Additional soil vapor extraction wells will remove contaminated soil vapor from the soil. *SEE NOD FOR FULL DETAILS.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Revised Interim Measures Implementation Plan, Polynt Composites USA
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Revised Interim Measures Implementation Plan, Polynt Composites USA
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Revised Interim Measures Implementation Plan, Polynt Composites USA