Friday, November 30, 2018

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34 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2018118562 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Repair Failed Culvert (Director's Order)
2018118559 California Department of Transportation, District 9 Frontier Telecommunication Line - Buckeye Road
2018062041 City of Healdsburg North Entry Area Plan
2018118558 Kern County PLN18-02138
2018118553 Kern County PLN18-02027
2018118556 Kern County PLN18-02028
2018118557 Kern County PLN18-02137
2018118554 Kern County PLN18-02071
2018118551 Kern County PLN18-02006
2018118555 Kern County PLN18-02010
2018118552 Kern County PLN18-02007
2018112074 Nevada Irrigation District Orr Creek Reservoir Cleaning and Infrastructure Improvement Project
2018091029 Padre Dam Municipal Water District East County Advanced Water Purification Project
2017021042 Palmdale Water District Palmdale Water District Water System Master Plan
2018118560 California Department of Parks and Recreation Geotechnical and Archaeological Testing for Restroom Installation
2016082009 Placer County Whitehawk I & II Projects
2018111059 City of Port Hueneme Tradecraft Cannabis Microbusiness Project
2018118550 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mobilitie NPC2018-57 Riverside county Fiber Optic project
2018118549 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mobilitie NPC2018-77 Los Angeles county Fiber Optic project
2018118548 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mobilitie NPC2018-80 San Francisco county Fiber Optic project
2018118546 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan), Victorville Orchard Bay Drainage Replacement Project
2006101096 Riverside County Concurrence with the Issuance of a Modified Full Solid Waste Facilities Permit for Oasis Sanitary Landfill (Facility No. 33-AA-0015)
2018111057 City of San Diego Abbott Residence CDP SDP
2016101060 Santa Barbara County Aera East Cat Canyon Redevelopment Plan Project
2018112075 Shasta County Use Permit 18-0003 (Fruit Growers Supply Company)
2004032138 Solano County Concurrence in the Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit for Recology Hay Road in Solano County, SWIS No. 48-AA-0002
2010022007 South Feather Water and Power Agency South Feather Power Project, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission No. P-2088
2013062051 City of South San Francisco South San Francisco / San Bruno WQCP Wet Weather and Digester Improvements Project (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-8033-110
2018118545 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Lands of Lazy K Land LP - Grading and Drainage Design
2013041028 Westlands Water District Mendota Pool Group 20-Year Exchange Program
2018118547 Westlands Water District Wonderful Orchards LLC, PG&E extension
2018111058 Westlands Water District WITHDRAWN Per Lead Agency - Shasta Dam Raise Project
2018092022 City of Woodland Woodland Recycled Water Pipeline Phase II
2015092039 City of Yreka Yreka Creek Riparian Habitat Project