Tuesday, September 16, 2014

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30 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2014098243 California State Lands Commission Letter of Non-Objection for Construction of an access Road Adjacent to a Solar Demonstration Project, Owens Lake - Inyo County - PRC 9103.9
2014098237 City of Elk Grove City Hall ADA Improvements Project
2009041071 City of Corona Operation of R-3 Reservoir
2014098240 City of Elk Grove Subdivision No. 11-005.02, Zgaggen Ranch 2 Final Map
2014031024 San Luis Harbor District, Port of Port San Luis Harbor Terrace Development Plan
2014092048 Sonoma County Old Sonoma Distillery (PLP12-0040)
2014092051 State Water Resources Control Board Vaca Dixon - Lakeville 230 kV Reconductoring Project
2000082139 City of Elk Grove Civic Center Aquatics Complex (EG-13-003)
2014098238 City of Elk Grove 2014 Zoning Code Amendments (Update 3) (Ordinance Adoption)
2012022038 Reclamation District 1601 Twitchell Island Levee Improvement Project - San Joaquin River Reach
2014091047 City of Los Angeles ENV-2014-780-MND / 316 N. Kenmore Avenue
2014092049 City of Foster City Lincoln Centre Biomedical Research Project
2008091012 City of Baldwin Park New Perchlorate Ion Exchange Single Pass Treatment System at Water Treatment Plant B6
2014098246 State Water Resources Control Board Lebec County Water District Fluoride MCL Compliance Project
2010062048 City of Elk Grove Corporation Yard Expansion Phase 2 - Materials Bin Storage Facility Project
2014098249 California Army National Guard CAmp Roberts - Training Area Trail Maintenance 2014
2014092047 City of Belmont CSUS Private Middle School
2014091048 Los Angeles County Proposed Single-Family Residential Hauled Water Initiative for New Development
2014092050 Contra Costa County 2014 Housing Element Update, Contra Costa County General Plan, 2005-2020 (County File: GP#14-0001)
2014098247 State Water Resources Control Board Drought Emergency Grant Funding Request for Berryessa Estates (Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District)
2014098244 California Department of Parks and Recreation Geotechnical Investigations in Advance of Silverwood SRA ADA Trail Imrpovements
2014021058 City of Pacific Grove Pacific Grove Local Water Project (PGLWP)
2014098241 City of Apple Valley Apple Valley Legacy Trail
2014091045 City of Buellton Hampton Inn and Suites
2014098245 Vallecitos Water District Vallecitos Water District OUtfall Sewer Access Project
2014091046 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Interim Measures Work Plan - Northern and Southern Assessment Areas
2014098248 California Department of Parks and Recreation Piedras Blancas Wetland Restoration
2014098242 California Department of Transportation, District 10 AMA, TUO Culvert Maintenance
2014098236 City of Elk Grove CIty Hall Electric Vehicle Charging Station Install Project
2014098239 City of Elk Grove Rural Commercial Combining Zone (Ordinance Adoption)